Community Council Needs to be Anonymous

You posted out of context messages knowing it’d cause drama. Everyone stopped talking about it except you two after that.

I’m also a fan of the fact one of you apparently contacted my guild leader to try to get me kicked.


Ooooo he said/ she said forum drama~


imo you should be able to hold true to an opinion and not ostracized from society for holding those beliefs be it any party, affiliation or group


Im really not even one for drama, but these lovers are posting their forum posts on Twitter, it’s blowing up, people are threatening to doxx them and they’re contacting their GM to get them banned. Lunatic behavior tbh


I was genuinely excited for Maizou when they told us about the acceptance into the council. I still am, idk what the tweeter’s issue with them is but wtf man, seriously wtf. Take a time out.

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I applied. If I got on it, I’d do my best. And, I’ll continue to do my best in what little ways I can. I appreciate you though, that was very wholesome. Thank you.


That is not true its still going on and this post that you ignored did a very good job of articulating the point


I would +1 vote you for council too


It really is insane, I’ve heard of WoW drama this big before but thought a myth. Stuffs crazy how people air their laundry in the open

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on twitter of all places. ground zero for all sorts of bad times


The second guy’s posts are just unacceptable.

Flat out anti-lgbt-representation.


Oh it was you who tweeted that stuff. Wtf is you problem man. Are you jealous they got on the council? Is that why you’re throwing an internet temper tantrum?

We live in a spectrum. There are always going to be people whose opinion’s we disagree with. Doesn’t mean you need to flame them on Twitter like a 6 year old.


It wasn’t me. My friend.

uhhh yea…sorry to inform you but that changed you probably don’t know since you have the thread on silence but yea.


domess with him he gonna get his fwends to cry about u on twitter

I left the thread after my last post as I quite literally told you I was, as well as the reason why. But again feel free to paint it as me ignoring it.

And literally nothing she said contradicts anything I said. So I’m not sure how that summarizes anything.

Anyway, my guild leader asked me not to continue commenting on this stuff, so I’m going to respect her wishes.

If y’all want to fan the flames of two people mad they didn’t get on the council so they do everything in their power to make people turn on the people that did in hopes of making room, feel free.


Which is fine, and also it was someone else you replied to that you were leaving, but you can’t then go claim you won the fight and everyone took your side but two people.


put in a good word for me in the council im an avid mog collector and i will get them to nerf legion raids to one shot

I didn’t even apply, myself. I’m just appalled at the dismissal of racism. I was in that thread when it happened, and remembered it when you got put on the Council.

Good. Hopefully these attention seekers keep dragging each other through the mud and we can get that forum deleted