Community Council Needs to be Anonymous

I see that glaivedancer has begun to type (the other CC member called out)…guess we better prepare for drama hour again.

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I disagree with the nuance. You say can be misleading, I say is exclusively misleading. In game polls work better than emailed polls, because if you find out what the people in the game are upset about you also find out why people have quit. Someone who gets a random email about WoW 6 months after they quit, they misremember the details. Polled active subs are the most accurate information possible.

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They’ve been typing for awhile and kinda curious to see them speak on their stance of being anti LGBTQ+ representation that is also being called out on twitter in regards to Blizzards vetting process for the council or lack there of rather

Do you see any difference between a caricature and an inspiration from a culture?

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I don’t think asking the people who still play is a great way to understand those who quit. I think you need both types of surveys which is what I was attempting to say. There is no one single answer when trying to get all the data.

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You’d think that… but then we got the tree.

I stated that I don’t care about sexual orientation in a fictionalized fantasy universe because I don’t. Whether or not Anduin is or isn’t gay doesn’t matter to me. Why doesn’t it matter to me? Because I care about the story, not about whether or not someone is gay or heterosexual. I don’t look at someone and care what their sexual orientation is, because it’s unimportant to me.

The same is true in real life. Whether they be family, friends, acquaintances, neighbors, enemies, I don’t care what their sexual orientation is because it doesn’t matter. To me, they’re people, human beings.

When I said, "Not every thing has to be inclusive, it’s a game, not real life. That stems from my first sentence of me not caring about the sexual orientation of a character in World of Warcraft. That’s not me saying, “Hey, I don’t think anyone in the game should be allowed to be of lgbt representation”. I just said I don’t care one way or another what their sexual orientation.

I’m not going to go back and forth with you about this. If you want to believe otherwise, that is your absolute prerogative. One thing I’ve never done on here over the years is get into a war on the forums, nor will I ever. At the same time if someone is trying to say something about me, I feel I have a right to defend myself and that’s what I did.

I have friends of all sexual orientations, I didn’t ask them what their sexual orientation was before I started talking to them. Again, why? Because it doesn’t matter to me because it’s unimportant. I like people, their way of life is part of what makes them unique and who they are, that’s all I care about.

I am sorry if my comments insulted anyone, I by all means had no ill intention in that post. Thank you.



Movie 300’s Persians were a clear caricature meant to be mocked and demonized.
Prince of Persia were clearly inspirations and quite a bit of liberties to set the game in a fantasy era persia.

Neither of which represents the actual people there living now or abroad.
Does that make sense. I tried to be clear as much as possible.

I’m still around. And I’m wearing my Forum Fighting Slippers.

I am ready for the drama.

I will become the drama.

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Does anyone remember the days when no one cared? Peppridge farm remembers.


I’m Filipino and gay, also on the browner side of the spectrum for being Filipino and I’ve had people say they don’t see color but if you don’t see color than you don’t see me. You’re actively choosing to ignore the different life experience I have, or struggles I deal with etc.

The same goes with sexual orientation, that is apart of people as much as any other aspect about them. Representation matters, and people existing while you may have the luxury of having it not matter to you does matter.


Saying its a game so it doesn’t have to be inclusive is arguing against representation. Maybe it’s just poor phrasing on your part, but that’s how it reads.


If Blizz sent me an email asking me why I quit in 7.2 during BFA, I would not have remembered and I would have given them largely inaccurate information. If they asked me before I quit, I would have had months of recent memories about why I was getting very irritated by WoW. Active sub polls in game are not only the best way to gauge why people quit, it is the only way. There is a sweet spot for mining that information and there is only one way to get it.

Hold up… I remember you! I think… :thinking:

(Also had no clue this started with a comment by you LOL)

I get what you’re saying, but that really could be worded better. Because “Not everything has to be inclusive” does not read like an ambivalence towards sexual orientation. It reads like what “red pills” like to trot out whenever they rail against inclusivity.

I take you at your word that this wasn’t the intent, but again; it really could have been worded better.


Are you ready for these “representatives” to be made into villains, die glorious or maybe even inglorious deaths and take that as just another character getting their development?

Or is now this character placed in the protective bubble that may or may not offend you since this character is now YOUR representation and hence should be handled with incredible care.

This isn’t a good statement. I got the point you were trying to make but the original statement makes it seem like you want a game that isn’t inclusive.

Curious as to what you consider to be a caricature, considering the movie’s popularity.

Yet you can see an issue with how Persian’s are portrayed in 300, and how one might find that offensive, right?

What if that 300 portrayal was put into wow?

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I agree, which is why I apologized in my previous post.

I remember you too LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re right, it does matter. I just meant that the sexual orientation of a character in World of Warcraft is unimportant to me, not that representation is unimportant or doesn’t matter.