Community Council Needs to be Anonymous

Metrics analytics gives no insight at all into what players want and has caused a continuous doubling down on horrific nightmare world mechanics. It only gives Blizz insight into what they can get people to do. It is the opposite of feedback.

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For all the things wrong with shadowlands, a flying tree shouldn’t be that big of a stretch

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You poor things. lol

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I’d be down. Make it a four person mount where passengers can ride on the branches.

we have the hivemind for that

RIP, yall got given dehydrated pee yellow

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A tree is way cooler

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I wish I could change my hivemind group, I quit my old guild :pensive:

Pass! I put in my time on the original one. No way in hell I’m doing it again. LOL


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I know some people wouldn’t agree and think it’s a bit petty. But it feels weird to ride a mount everyone else has anyways. It feels like the antithesis of an MMO to me.


This is why I think customizable mounts would be a lot of fun >.> (Yes I realize that’s really hard to do, most likely)


I agree, rarely use the promo mounts

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i only use rare drops or blizzcon or shop mounts for memes with a shop transmog

Boat flies. Boat made out of wood. Tree is wood. Tree should fly.


Just sprinkle some magic dust on the tree and let it fly. It’s not hard

Flying is something a LOT of players really really feel is a great QoL thing. It means most will vote for something they think can fly if that is an option.

Which is exactly what I said so I think you are saying you agree? Doing something does not mean the person LIKES it or WANTS to do it. Worse, feeling forced to do things can lead to players quitting.

Some adversity and grind is fine in an MMO, and expected. Over doing it though is not in any way fun, even if the metrics show people still doing it.

The ones that are not? They quit.

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ive advocated for so long for inflatable mount horseshoes. so any mount can fly

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How do you define represent? Because its racist to just boil down an entire culture to the thing blizzard has packaged together and call it a “race”

Each race is a mix of various references and aesthetic choices. Its basically a stereotype.
And it in no way representative of an actual people. that incredibly reductive and problematic.

Why? Because when you assign that label suddenly you are roadblocking many things.
Zandalari are “representative” of south american cultures?
Alliance humans who are now “representatives” of white Europeans raids Dazaralor?

Well well well looks like we got a conquistador reference. Can’t have that now, can we?
These are references, they are not supposed to be representatives.

No, not really. They have customization systems already. The Xmas pet toy had an ability to customize the racers. I think the new patch has a lot of customization options for a robot companion.

They can very much apply that to mounts. I would be shocked if they didn’t.

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Oh yeah, true, and the dye system for the robo-cats from the Mechagnome zone (sorry it’s been a while
) too. MECHAGON that’s it. Yeah that one is customizable too. I guess customizable mounts would be a good thing to bring up to Blizzard :wink:

It does seem like the ‘conditions’ stay on the mount (like the dye stuff) so additions would too. Like different colored saddles or armor or what have you, there’s lots. Maybe diffferent patterns you could earn or combine

Honestly a new perma-system like that would be really neat, come to think of it, depending on how intricate they made it.

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