Community Council Members - Read

None of us EU council members can post on their mains.

That requirement is meaningless if we don’t have the option to fulfill it.

That’s super reasonable (not that you need me to say so.) I just hope people know that the council folk are, I assume and hope, doing their best given what they’ve been given, which is minimal direction or guidance and a sandbox. We’re, from what I can gather, just regular People Playing WoW [hey, that sounds an awful lot like what a Blizz employee would say, gah, I’ve been caught] that come from a surprisingly diverse set of playstyles.

Okay, so where was the Council hostile to you? Where was this person who introduced himself hostile to you?

I’m not calling people out. That’s against forum rules.

I’m also not going to copy/paste the posts I’m talking about, because I’m still hoping I’m wrong about the people I’m talking about.

However, they are already in the “negative” column based on what they’ve posted so far (again, not just in the council forum, but outside of it), and they are going to have to work much harder to prove they deserved to be there.

So they haven’t been hostile to anyone and you’re simply trying to defend how it’s okay to be hostile.

You don’t have a defense against your behavior. Thanks for clarifying that.


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Yea it gets pretty insane lol.

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That’s why I believe my application will be ignored

To be honest so far i have had no issues with most of the topic you all in there have done . However I do have an issue that for the most part out side of the introduce your self thread there really hasn’t been any Blue responses.

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Yes, you are obligated.

I think that’s what we all want. Too bad so many of them are argumentative instead of receptive. This entire thing was poorly executed and I’m very confused by the people that were picked.

Also, to clear this up, I never applied because I didn’t want the responsibility. I’m not jealous of anything - I’m trying to encourage the posters that are allowed there to use their voice for good instead of evil.

I understand this thread got way longer than expected so you probably missed it, but that was pointed out yesterday. I was unware of the EU players needing to do that.

Oh God… please no… lol

I’ve noticed this as well. There is no communication between blues and council members there, either. It’s very… strange.

There are SO many low level alts though. Does this mean most are EU players?

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This is what I was afraid of. Being on the community council means you represent the community, not yourself. Yes you speak on what you know of, but based on feedback etc that the community gives. At least this is how it should work, but doesn’t seem to be what is going to happen.

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I have it on good faith this is for two reasons. One they aren’t done sending out invites and two, the forums in it’s current state aren’t even a finished product.

I can acknowledge that I’m not obligated to speak for anyone but myself and still make my best effort to speak for the greater feedback of the community instead of accidentally furthering my own agendas and viewpoints. See here:

How are you not obligated to speak for anyone but yourself? The goal of the community council was to be a better way to streamline and vet ideas and get them to Devs. So you are obligated. A community council is just that, a council that represents the community. There is no in between here. Otherwise this doesn’t work.

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I was chosen to give my opinion and feedback based on my own personal experiences. Past that, I’ve received little to no guidance or direction but the open sandbox that is the CC forums. I’ve chosen to try to consult the communities that I’m directly involved in to get a better grasp on the general opinion of things, but if other council folk just want to speak on strictly what they have personally experienced and perceived then they’re within their right to do so.

So the community council is just going to be a punch of people pushing personal agendas based of off ideas from their own communities or experiences? You shouldn’t need to be given direction. The said what the council was for, and community council itself has a meaning. It doesn’t mean what you just said. This is what I was honestly afraid of. People get on the council, don’t know what a community council is or represents, and then proceed to ignore a large amount of the player base and only really interact with the same people they always do.

I have literally no idea what people are going to do. Nobody does. I can only speak for myself and hope and assume others do the right thing (which is what I have overwhelmingly seen other CC folk doing. Lots of productive talk going on between people and the communities they’re interested in.)

Ah if you signed up for the counsel, you had to expect things like harassment etc may happen. Welcome to the internet. Does it mean it should happen? No. But you should have been prepared for it. It’s a sad part of reality these days and not everyone is going to agree with you or that you were picked for the council. Just how it is.

Maybe go with, Who are you?, or I’ve never heard of you… You could also go with, Your /played is how much!, or simply WoW Players Anonymous, considering they’re posting on alts and they’re probably addicts.

Edit: The WPA for short.

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Yeah of course, I fully anticipated being harassed and bothered. I’m not complaining that it happened; I’d be far more surprised if it didn’t happen. I’ve existed as a female on the internet for the overwhelming majority of my life, so harassment and aggression is definitely something that I’m used to. (xbox live lobbies circa 2010 anyone? :stuck_out_tongue: ) It is what it is.

People are more than welcome to agree or disagree with me, my main concern is accurately representing the playstyle of people that align with my own and staying out of discussions about playstyles that aren’t my own.

Honestly I have no idea why or how I was picked. I’m a nobody just like everyone else; idk, maybe they wanted that. I’m just taking what I was given and running with it. :man_shrugging:

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