This is Blizzard’s explanation of what the community council is suppose to do:
“Our goal is to gather more detailed feedback on all aspects of World of Warcraft from players around the world with a wide range of backgrounds and interests.”
One of the first posts in the council forums is a council member advertising his Twitchtv stream. What a joke.
If you were selected to be the voice of us, the common peons, then do better. We don’t care about your Twitch stream. We need to know you will relay important information to the developers, not that you’re going to use the platform to push your social media to make money.
Also, I strongly feel it should have been required to post on your main character to be in the council, as I’ve noticed many are low-leveled alts. I feel like the general public would like to know you at least have a clue with what you’re talking about - something the armory let’s us all know.
If you have a concern about privacy, then you shouldn’t be apart of the council. Twitch streams and low level alts everywhere - what even is this?
Yeah, being able to watch people stream and communicate with and gain perspective of their playstyles and thoughts has no place in a community council!
I disagree.
I think you can not raid but have an opinion on raiding.
Maybe they’re in a guild who is struggling to raid. Or they run a community. Perhaps they used to raid and no longer do due to certain reasons.
People are quick to judge and not listen. At least this way people have to read what someone says before they can judge someone.
In fact some have linked their main EU toons. The irony of it all is you are probably baiting us posting on a 35 no poster. What a low blow without actually reading the forum. I dislike low level Alt posts generally too but they have a solid reason
It doesn’t. People should not benefit monetarily from this. And be honest, how many streamers actually use their platform for any sort of good? Remember Metrohaha? Pepperidge Farm does.
It’s in the “introduce yourself” section.
No, I understand what you’re saying, but the problem is by hiding their characters the exact same thing will happen to a worse degree. I, personally, will never take level 10 Bobmcgee’s opinion seriously on anything if I cannot see that he’s actually done the content.
Too late. It’s already that.
I just checked. The person who had it listed changed it to list their Twitter instead. Which, of course, is much less obnoxious.
It is obvious from the start that the Community council is a tool to translate what Blizzard would already do into a format that people think they want. They should be named “Honorary Blizzard Consulate”, like when you have a “Honorary Consulate” of a country, which is staffed by locals and operates on behalf of a foreign country’s Foreign Affairs Bureau.
That is what this council is: Someone who will tell you what Blizzard is doing is good, and why you should like it too.
I’m hoping you’re wrong, but I have a feeling you’re right.
It’s why I want the people that can post there to read my original post. Their duty is to relay feedback from us and their experiences so the game can change for the better - not to promote themselves or create an echo chamber that the game is fine when it clearly isn’t.
Their duty is what Blizzard says it is. Start from there.
A community council as the name states would be a council chosen by the community to voice what they chose to voice.
To work as a community council, the forum should be restricted to community members, and should be free from BLIZZARD’S INTERVENTION, not the other way around.
That is the fundamental thing: This Community Council is obviously not one because of that simple mechanic. It is designed to be Blizzard’s mouth piece, not Players’.
Your opinion is noted. Have a wonderful rest of your life.
That’s a very good point. They can really change it whenever they want to fit their narrative or save their image. Hopefully the council members have some sort of backbone.
Also, can we come up with another term besides “council member”? It sounds kinda ridiculous. Come on GD, we can think of something better.
The community council forum itself already disproves that assumption. One of the more popular threads is just a laundry list of glaring problems with borrowed power progression that might as well be verbatim from the WoW community.
Not only that, but there’s already one guy who had the stupid idea of creating a discord just for council members which defeats the purpose of the council to begin with. Honestly that kind of brazen attempt to undermine the purpose of the the forum really should be grounds for expulsion.
But in the end I guess it doesn’t really matter since I highly doubt this community council will be listened to by Blizz anyway.
Edit: It’s been brought to my attention that this discord is meant to be for anyone (not just cc members). It was not clear from his wording that this was the case and hence my conclusion. Regardless it’s still bad idea that at face value, undermines the idea behind the cc forum to begin with since the vast majority of regular forum members are unlikely to join said discord.
Tbh, the council is but a farce,they would whine up injecting their own agendas and not truly care about others that play the game,It is known this has happen before .Is it no better today as it was with any in the past,if they did they wouldn’t be wasting time with advertisements.
In this thread alone we’ve got demands that the council members be an aggregate mouthpiece of broader player population perspectives alongside outrage at a discord attempting to do just that.
Though I’ll grant you the odds of the community council having a significant impact on game design are laughably low. Too much contrary evidence in the past to just take it on word that things are different now and they super duper mean it this time, wink wink.