Community Council member unleashes their inner Worgen

I’m talking about this topic. And I completely agree with almost everything they said.

I never knew that Blizzard already has a skeleton in place for the Worgen tails but never bothered to do anything with it. Perhaps they’re saving this feature for another break-the-glass moment, when another lawsuit follows?

What are the developers waiting for? They got +100 new developers, nobody can tell me they can’t use a few people to fulfill on-going requests? Does it really need another twitter/reddit backlash, so they can pull out changes for the players? They changed the new Worgen armor within one day (!), so what gives that they cannot do this for other races and requests?


Obligatory hairstyle post


Or perhaps since Worgen have never had tails, they’ve never had any intention of giving it one. Just because it’s a request by players doesn’t mean the devs have to agree with the request.

Obviously they could add tails if the devs wanted to, they clearly don’t want to.


What really astonishes me the most is the fact that they didn’t even want to invest the absolute minimum for Worgen. Namely, a portal and a flight point. :person_facepalming:

Imagine you come in as a dev, saying, “Here, you have your land back,” and there isn’t a single flight master in the entire zone. So, for the Alliance, it’s still a half-world journey just to get there.

But what’s in that zone? A flight master for the Horde, with Sylvanas’s banner around it. That’s just… wow.




This was the only reason I bothered to do the quests. I assumed we were getting a portal to one of the more remote and time consuming areas to get to for alliance. If only for next year’s yeti-killing Christmas event.


Wait. I thought there was a FP in the north? Also isn’t there a new HS toy to port you back?

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There is no FP in the entire zone and the HS is only for Worgen… because… reasons.

It seemed more important to keep a Horde flight point right next door, adorned with Sylvanas’s banners, so that the Worgen feel at home.


Oof lol. Some of these CC people need to touch grass.


Yeah, for some unfortunate reason Northern EK is the only location in the old world Alliance lack quick access to, save for mages, paladins and DKs (pre Legion).

Wait, where do you get the toy?

I believe there’s a grave somewhere with a flower on it you can loot. But only worgens can use it.

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Ah ok. Well I’ll probably finish leveling my worgen one day. Maybe.

The developers are well aware of worgen players’ desire for an optional tail, especially after they played a prank on female dracthyr. Despite taking it in good humor, there has been no official response from them, not even a simple denial. Moreover, considering the developers have accepted numerous unusual requests from players in the past, adding tails should hardly be a problem.

Worgen players have felt neglected for far too long, leading to questions about why this race was created in the first place. It is evident that this race has not been overlooked by the community, as there are a considerable number of characters. Despite this, the race continues to receive minimal attention. For instance, it is the only race in the game that still lacks any jewelry since its release, even after a graphical overhaul. Does this seem reasonable to you? One might argue that there is plenty of customization for the human form, but if we choose to play as worgen, it’s because we want to experience the werewolf form; otherwise, we would have created human characters!

Aside from armor, mounts, hearthstone, and fishing goggles, there is virtually nothing in terms of customization options for worgen characters. In contrast, Night Elves have access to a dozen transmogrification options in their entire area, along with a secondary color for their heritage armor. The question arises: why doesn’t Blizzard address these issues, and if they are unable to meet the community’s requests, why not consider removing this race altogether? It seems counterproductive to keep a race that continually receives minimal attention, especially when the community has been asking for straightforward improvements for years. Perhaps it would be more sensible to eliminate all races except elves if Blizzard is primarily focused on satisfying the majority of players who prefer elves and their associated modifications. This would likely be more efficient for everyone involved and could save both time and resources.


oh I like the worgen heritage armor - don’t remove it. That set is my favorite.

I love Worgen, but they are so very poorly implemented I just can’t play them. As with so many things, the voice acting and design is good, but besides that its shocking how bad they are. That being said, the allied races don’t fair much better.

This is a modern WoW problem. When the game released every race was fully fleshed out besides Gnomes. Overtime Blizz has cut corners until now we are back to Orcs vs Humans, with everything else flavour. The problem with that is old content is gone or no longer relevant.

For example, Darnassus is destroyed and the new Night Elf city is the main focus of the end of DF, but the levelling experience for new characters has not been moved and the city does not have the full functionality that Darnassus has. It is there but is not fleshed out.

The same could be said about the the new Worgen scenario and also Void Elves with there High Elf options. These are all half hearted attempts that feel as if they were completed technically in art and design but then dropped on the cutting room floor and not picked up by any other team.

Bring back the world in World of Warcraft.



some players feel entitled to have the game developed how they see fit, not how the developers who’ve developed as 20 year old successful game see fit.

Also, “The Ultimate Disrespect to the Worgen Community”… lol get a grip.

The masses haven’t, a small but very vocal minority has though.


The model I can imagine would be made is the Saberon. However the more I look at that model, the more cursed it becomes. :robot::sweat_drops:

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I agree with everything said especially considering the reclaiming of Gilneas had been hyped up as something that would happen in game ages ago and then when it was finally time they hyped it up as a big thing and major part of the patch just for it be a huge disappointment…

Like honestly whole thing has definitely affected my motivation to keep playing this expansion which was already not high due to the dumpster fire that is healing this expansion.


It sounds really dramatic when you say things like this, though. :smile: