Community council is just going to be another elitist hivemind

You have people writing Stephen King novels on how to fix the gear gap in PVP, when all Ion has to do it revert back to the WoD system by removing rating requirement from PVP gear… giving access to any person willing to earn the currency. PVP shouldn’t be about gear progression. Conquest gear also doesn’t need 9 upgrades.

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There are no blue responses (as of the last time I checked last night) and several of the people on the council are using their position as a status symbol and haven’t added anything meaningful to the discussion (again, as of last night).

I’ve been reading it, and I know you’re wrong.

What the hell does that have to do with the people on there?

Asked and answered.

Oh I misread
Okay sure some people are but for the most part that’s not the case.

Its also something i had already semi addressed because it didnt stick well with people from EU either.

The lack of blue responses to anything that HAS been in any way meaningful doesn’t give anyone much hope they will be listened to either.

I don’t have the same cat, but they look a lot alike.:slightly_smiling_face:


You are spot on about this. I don’t think I would keep trying to write informative feedback if it wasn’t going to be addressed. We’ve been told to expect that engagement but it’s not something that will happen immediately. The community managers are likely still finalizing the members due to the volume of applications before going into the next phase of the program. But I also share the same sentiment as you as it currently stands.


Agreed but the people that get chosen will still have an elitist mentality.

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Awww so cute!!

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Maybe, I think in the end I just see it as a PR save face to get players faith back but can this idea of a ‘council’ serve it’s purpose beyond PR. I just doubt it… it’ll be like what, X handful out of a possible countless of thousands player and mindsets. Hard to gauge what is good, what needs fixing etc…

They all go in with their own bias.

As long as the same leaders are in charge then NOTHING will change.

Erm perhaps I may have tried once or twice, however some things are best left to the tavern shire…

Ironically the #1 rule of the guild: Don’t talk about fight club… #2 is something I call “the rule of 2”.

If they REALLY wanted our input, they would send ingame surveys each month. it would be one per account, meaning once you fill it out on one toon, that’s it, no more surveys accepted from that account for that month.

That way we would get some insight into what they are thinking by the kind of things they ask about and they get direct, yes or no type of answers instead of trying to wade through the people who feel to write a book about every little thing in game.

Quick, easy and effective.

But that would give everyone a voice, and they know they won’t like where the majority of the playerbase wants the game to go.

There would be drastic cuts to raiding, sure say 20% LOVE it, but 20% is far from the majority of the playerbase.

Admittedly I used 20% as an example, but it was used as an example, not stating the raiding community is 20% of the playerbase.


If they were to poll and not directly show the results it could be a very helpful metric to make decisions.

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Rule of two ruined the sith in my opinion. The only time the sith were at their peak was in the old republic era when marr was a dark council member and acina was empress. I hate bane so much for what he did.

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What’s their name? :smiley:

Mine is Charlie, the other one is, uh, Webby since it comes from the webs.:smiley:

Breaking the Bat?

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