Community council is just going to be another elitist hivemind

If it were me, I would take the week or so to level to 60 just for optics.

I mean, that’s up to them; but why bother? They’re still going to have the same amount of content cleared on the account

I always love it when you post. It’s always gnome themed and it brightens up my day. =) I have a gnome in classic I may go level her now. Little pink haired gnome mage :stuck_out_tongue:

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you mean it’s going to include people who play the game and don’t spend their time on the forums knocking others down?

that will be so awful.


I am begging you people to actually read it and not assume, its not like that at all.

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Elitism?? if Blizzard wants their game to fail or not make any money anymore they will listen only to the 1 %.

The causal player is not vocal, they don’t leave feedback . If they don’t find something fun they stop playing and let their sub lapse. Nobody will know about it other that Blizzard’s financial team. The so called 1% who spends their entire time chasing pixels do not speak for this person :rofl:


I am really impressed with what I see in CC so far!

The folks are making great threads of a more serious nature, and everyone is on their A-game trying to contribute their ideas for the betterment of all.

I feel very encouraged by what I’m seeing. Keep it up, CC’ers!

I’m looking forward to seeing how the CC forum evolves, which ideas presented gain the most traction, and what extent of true influence the CC will have on future iterations of the game.


The difference is that they’re doing it like reasonable adults and not angry Karens, like we see around this forum. So maybe Blizz will listen. Instead of being preemptively mad, I choose to be cautiously optimistic at the beginning of this.


You’ve posted here long enough to know what the average level 10 poster is all about. There’s a thread going on right now by one that misses ninja looting as an example.

I stated for “optics”, as in people tend to hold more credence on posts by max level players over the stereotypical Sunday troller mentioned above.

Once again, if it were me I would take the time to level up, but to each their own.

It’s just my opinion, and you will be weighing many of them in the coming months. I wish you luck since this community can be a bit trying at times. :facepunch:

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it wouldn’t matter, because all of their acheievement are on their EU characters, so they’d be posting on a level 60 that has nothing on their account.

there’s no difference between a level 60 with no achievments and a level 10 with no achievements.

if the reader cares to know, they’ll have to go to the intro thread and find where they linked their EU char (if they did). otherwise, it’s simply a problem of having separate EU and US accounts.

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And they’re not the “average level 10 poster.” The reasoning was already given as to why they have the alts. I feel this is just being nitpicky.


It was just an opinion that I expanded on. /shrug

As was mine. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I wouldn’t want to be on the council when it goes wrong, those members will be overcome with toxic people. Not doing it.

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I’ll feel encouraged when we start seeing meaningful blue post responses followed by tangible action from Blizzard. Until then it’s just more cries in the dark.

As stated EU mains have use to use trial accounts.

This requires to also rebuy shadowlands and still wouldn’t show any of the achivs or collections etc. Also it would be a dead character due to ping. And also I have no time to level an alt that I won’t ever touch after it reaching max level.

Correct. However this can’t be applied to us EU players.

Also I am utmost skeptical of the program as a whole as I have stated numerous times on EU.

Also to make you feel better and see the main (because I won’t post an introduction as it’s meaningless and people should talk about what I post and not about my introduction):

And the corresponding warcraftlogs pageĂ­as#metric=bossdps


KITTEH! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Exactly, the game is broken for a lot of people. Many of these have left. Some people think the game is fine, some even think shadowlands is the best expansion ever.

You will never fix the game by asking the people who are left - you will only get more content that doubles down on the broken aspects of the game.

If you want to fix the game find a way to communicate to the people that left.


I didn’t know that. I wouldn’t spend the money if I were in the same position.:+1:

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