Dublicate characters for council members or Forum merge

This was brought to my attention to be posted by Ananda (an MVP on the EU forums) since i mentioned it. I didnt think about posting it tho but since it was requested.

There might be the possibility that some people might be turned off by having to level a toon the US realms to participate in the Council Forums. I remember that after i read the email that i had to do it i felt quite “meeeeeeeh”. Followed by asking in a Discord that is filled with Forum Regular how to add a US license (which wasnt the problem, obviously). Some people might feel this feels artificially hard.

May it be possible to have ones character from the EU realms to be copied over to the US license and have the character being unable to login to? If not for our group of people of the first council but for the next set of people.

And now what was suggested quite a lot of times over all the years (which would bypass the part above). Merging the EU and US general forums. WoW is still one of the few games that actually separates their Forums like that within the same language. The Language barrier isnt much of an issue (and anyone that speaks the language can at least guess what was written. Otherwise just ask the person if in doubt).

As in for “tension” between the regions (this was brought up as well over the years as a reason) there shouldnt be much of an issue if such people that fall so much out of line and have to rely on certain “phrases” to have them being treated according to the CoC if they fail to behave properly.

Edit: Also a link on all Forums that leads to this community council forum would also be much appreciated. So far one has to specifically look for it rather than having a link on their own forum (since people outside the council cant post in here i dont see the issue and only the benefit)


Unless they completely change the infrastructure of WoW and how the data is stored per Region, then no, that is not possible. Data for the Regions is completely and totally separate. There are no tools to migrate or copy chars between WoW Regions at all.

Blizzard would have to do some fundamental changes to the game for that to happen. It has been asked for since Vanilla, but not something that they can currently do.

This is actually more feasible because it would still pull char data from the Regional database. There has been discussion before about merging forums…and I don’t think it is totally out of the realm of possibility someday.


Ye thats fair. Unless they make it so that you can select different licenses on the Forums that accesses the characters on that license and links to the corresponding armory (which would be pretty much a merge)