Community Council Forum Invites - Wyrmrest Accord

That all makes sense but then, like we are asking, what’s the point?


If I had to guess, zooming in on feedback from a more productive aspect of the community. People on the community council are leaders to some extent. They’ve got to hit a lot of criteria to even have a chance at it. They have all contributed to the community in some way. Which to be fair does cut out the utter chaos of general discussion, which seems to be 50% complaining about arbitrary things for no reason, and 50% right wing politics lol. It’s also a lot less for devs to have to read to get a picture of what the community feedback actually is. So it certainly simplifies community engagement for them, by drastically decreasing their reading.

But look I’m not big on the community council myself. I think more effective forum engagement would do the trick. I hope it goes well but I guess we’ll see


They have sentiment analysis & other data parsing tools to create actionable insights from the chaos. This all seems like theatre. I say that because other times they’ve done similar things, that’s what it was, and it’s not like this is coming from new leadership – more a scramble for preservation along the lines of recent cosmetic updates and corporate posturing.


I want to agree with you but honestly it’s hard to be that optimistic, this far into the hell water that is Blizzard. This year has been hard for us gamers. Gamer moments abound.

Big update:

A blue responded to a post on the community council forums! Not just any blue, a DEVELOPER. That’s great and I’m happy to see it, especially for a pvp thread. It at least looks like Blizz is looking at feedback, which is a relief. Whether they act on this is a different story, but I’m happy to see an actual developer interacting over on the community council forum. I hope this continues going forward.


Not to be a Deborah Downer, but that feels pretty par for the course, no? There’s a big problem, Blizzard makes an overture of listening, eventually gets bored and tunes out?

Oh sure, and that could happen again. I’m hoping it doesn’t but we’ll have to see.

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Hey man, it’s nice that they’re trying! Think of it like a first step in honest change

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Are you perhaps advising that I





Well did you not hear the story of the wise man?

They are totes going to listen this time.

Sorry to be pessimistic but how many iterations of these special forums have there been over the years?

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first dev response on the Council forums was in response to pvp
that response was basically, “increase honor gains from spoils of war”

also the CC member who was here a few days ago still hasnt made a post, at least not on that toon.

i rate this program 2/10

Maybe you drove them off with your attitude. Just a thought.


Dynja has been looking at our feedback. She’ll post when she’s ready :slight_smile: the CC isn’t going anywhere any time soon.

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ill admit to being a bit much at times, but i dont think thats enough to drive someone off their pledge to the community

probably just busy. not everyone has time to listen to roleplayers and their wall of texts all day

If it’s any consolation, there’s already a RP thread up. There’s a housing thread up too. I’m pretty sure both of those posts are the highest liked posts on the CC forums. The megathread is linked on both posts.

We’re making noise, more than the PVE and PVP communities. We’ll be seen and heard.

i did see the housing thread, but i saw they didnt mention halfhill (which i feel is important because its a bareboned system already in place)

so I just linked them to one of our threads here as politely as i could and they liked my post

so theres that

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WoW will never have Player Housing of the quality it deserves or is capable of. It would take too much time and effort of the development team and I just don’t think Blizzard is willing to put in the work, much less divert work away from other endeavors like new mythic plus content.

It is nice to see devs posting. It has been so rare to see devs posting directly on the forums at all, so if they’re attempting to change that, good for them. I’m not super interested in the amount of honor required to get a PvP set personally, but it will be interesting if they engage with a broader set of topics and consistently post on the forum.

The silence during the first few days of the forum being up made it look like it was gonna be a totally pointless endeavor, but if they just have to take time and write out what they wanna say carefully, that is fine as long as they do it consistently.

2 dev posts in a week isn’t a ton, but its an improvement from 0 dev interaction outside of formal interviews

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Did you heard of the tragedy that reach the man. Reaching the man cloth space is the emperor. He is so strong and big. The dark influence can the matter that many supermans. But other people thinks that these are what can’t attains. The dark influence howed is afterwards? He come more and more strong and big. Lost his power afterwards, afterwards he died. In fact he teaches own the whole skills all to disciple. Then his land killed him to let him going to bed

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