Well, I’ll tell ya the story of the wise man.
Man has a farm, right? Cows, chickens, and his prize horse. This workhorse helps him till the fields, keeps his livelihood intact. One day, the fence keeping the horse in breaks, it escapes. All the townsmen come to him saying “Oh, no, without your horse your farm will fail! How terrible!”
Wise man says, “We’ll see.”
Three days pass, horse comes back, this time with three other beautiful mares in tow. Now all the townsmen praise him, tell him “You’re so lucky, you’ll make a fortune off those mares.”
Wise man says, “We’ll see.”
Man’s son takes one of the untamed mares out in the morning, tries to ride her about the fields. Mare bucks him, he takes a hard fall, breaks his leg. Townsmen say again “What misfortune! How now can he help you in the fields when harvest is so soon?”
Wise man says, “We’ll see.”
A week later and draft comes through the town. Young boys get picked up and sent off to war, but the man’s son does not, on account of his injury. Once more the townsmen all flock in, saying “How fortunate your son is spared the horror of war!”
Wise man simply smiles. “We’ll see.”