Community Council = Fall Guy

Part of me thinks this “Community Council” is going to be the fall guy when content goes sour.

Like maybe in theory such a council would work… But when content goes bad Blizzard, instead of taking the blame themselves, they’ll have the council to take them blame for them.

Just my thought.


They (Blizzard) can say whatever they want, but I know not to believe them. They’ve set up something poorly and it’s their problem.

They could have provided some structure, or had specific places for CC members to put their feedback. They could have let people players vote on posts, or maybe even specific paragraphs within posts. They could be posting more than four times a month.

Edit: Fixed vague ‘they’


You talking about Blizzard?

If anything it’ll be player motivated. Not Blizzard’s intention that weirdos in this game will blame the CC for something wrong.

Just let it ride. Smile and nod. It’ll either work or it’ll implode. I don’t see the point in making all of these threads to complain when they’ll just ignore them.

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Investors know that players don’t make good games. No reason to develop a game around the opinions of a few people.

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Blizzard will ignore the council, yes. But the players will blame the council for Blizzard’s shortcomings.

I was about to say the same thing. Would I put it past them? “Sorry guys, the CC just didn’t present their thoughts in a concise manner” No. Of course they would try that but why would we ever believe them.


I’m watching Asmongold’s interview with two former CC members.

This interview is depressing. Jesus.


Like what?

They do. Its called General Discussion, and there are any number of comments from CC members here (you can even identify them from their green CC member text).

You can. It’s called a Like.

And I believe you can link stuff here as well.

This has some insight too:

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Two? There is only one who was removed from the program that I know of.

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Easy. Every developer from their silly little video should have had a pinned introduction thread.

“Hi my name is X and I am in charge Y development. Blah blah blah.”

Encourage people to post their ideas as responses to the appropriate thread and that developer should interact with them periodically.

Correct. Only one person has been removed. If there is another one saying “i got removed too” is just a lie, and is doing so to gain internet point. Wont be the first, wont be the last

Well probably not every dev but I notice there are a few blue posts on the introduction thread by developers listing what they do both as devs and as gamers. For example:

This mentality is frankly, stupid.

Firstly, even if they do listen to the CC forums on every little thing and implement every suggestion they recommend, it’s still their work that’s been put out there. If it’s bad because the CC is wrong, it was still their decision to listen to the CC and make all those changes.

So they can’t shift the blame over to the CC, and if they tried, no one with a working brain would buy it.

I may have misinterpreted, but there’s two people in the interview and one of them is who we already know.

Why would he post info that is not even true when he knows everyone is going to ask and find out about it?

This is why so many did not want streamers involved. They want clicks, not truth or honesty.

For anyone else, the background on the Council and Discord is here. Formatting is much better if clicked on.


Better analogy might be spaced armor.

Kind of an orbiting clown car taking all the initial hits.

That isn’t going to stop them.

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