Common crimes committed by WoW players

if you include taking gold and loot from corpses

Overthrowing cultural and religious institutions through the theft of religious artifacts, the murder of their learned scholars and authority figures and in some cases pushing their gods over into puddles of mud.

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Itā€™s not a crime per-say but I can tell you itā€™s a serious public health hazardā€¦

For a long time there has almost always been at least 1 quest each expansion that has you pick up some form of to put it politely dung.

The game has no sinks, and we often when eating use our hands in the animationsā€¦

Think about it.

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I killed sooo many animals for their thorny hearts in the emerald dream of all places. I just wanted a few chachachachia pets.

Is it really stealing if they canā€™t press charges?

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Tis why every barkeep at every inn has to be a retired Conan the Barbarian type.

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Uh Iā€™m thinking theft, (where do I get this ale?) destruction of property (why am I breaking kegs on things??) and arson (oh God I set the emerald dream on fire)

Oh probably also being drunk and disorderly too for good measure

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We were also guilty of Pollution, at least until that whole ā€œtransmog Greys and Whitesā€ thing happened! I canā€™t COUNT the number of greying bodies I left covered inā€¦ looks ā€œDeteriorating Plate Pantsā€ and the like!

Ooh, this gives me an idea for an expansion pack ā€“ letā€™s treat all the servers as different realities, take all the junk we left/sold that we know was thrown away because who needs a broken plate and some silverware with food all caked onto it, and make it into a planet for us to explore! and then at the end, Amanā€™Thul just sighs, shrugs, and tells Sargeras ā€œokay maybe you were right, just go ahead already manā€

The one that gets me this xpac is that there are now bipedal, humanoid creatures that can be killed and skinned. I canā€™t remember the exact ones. I just remember being slightly disturbed that I could skin it.

Not sure which crime this might be labeled as thoughā€¦

Iā€™ve been giving filthy green skins euthanasia like the dogs they are and thereā€™s no crime there.

I did harass onyxia back in the day and I defiantely have fondled a few gnomes in goldshire ya feel

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Thatā€™s the trope of most games in general. From mmorpgs, rpgs, shooters, even mario kills untold numbers of goombas.

I kept a chart back in classic on a druid only run I did. Grinding. I only killed animals. cause I was a skinner/leather worker

If I recall correctly, I cracked out at killing 6 thousand wolves, a couple thousand lions, a couple thousand kodo, untold amounts of bears and others.

I killed so many I should have caused an evolutionary shift. And I did it all as a druid, you know, guardian of nature, protecter of the animals? My forms are permanently stained in the blood of innocent animals, and thenā€¦I did the quests. I added humonoids to my kill list. Technically speaking I should have caused the collapse of the scarlet crusade, because there is no way they breed and raised more of them in sufficiant quantities before I came for them.

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I think you nailed most of them. You can add child endangerment of Children Week.


Itā€™d be nice if we could choose which quests to undertake (to progress the story) or if there were side quests designed around your class. Iā€™d say 9/10 I agree with the quest giver asking me to merc the target.

Same as above. 9/10 times they had it coming. Itā€™s kill or be killed in the WC world.

War crimes feels too modern era so I donā€™t like that this is referenced in the game. To me the story could have carried on just fine with a seemingly endless war, one where we really wouldnā€™t ever need to collaborate. I think even having collaborated a single time would have been enough to unify the Horde/Alliance. The outlier tribes/nations would be the ones causing problems, imo (cough daelin proudmoore)

This one actually does bother me but only because why am I killing ducks in my (characters) old age having defeated the Arthas/Deathwing/Burning Legion/Jailer? low threat quests bug me

In my defense I was cleared in the Ring of Law!

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Speeding while dragon riding.

Giving my mounts brain damage when I run into things and not bringing them to the vet/hospital.

Normal stuff.

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well I doubt they were gonna give up the gear willingly

Is it still a crime if the Blizzard writers didnā€™t give us a choice?


Alright, yeah, those quests kinda always bugged me because of the child endangerment. :|. Like, heeey, is anyone gonna look at these orphanages.

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