Common crimes committed by WoW players

In Wrath, specifically the Borean Tundra, the Red Dragon Flight and Kirin Tor have us not only take a Blue Dragon Flight NPC hostage, but then has us very literally torture this PoW. Just a reminder what the ā€œgood guyā€ dragons USED to be.

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I get paid I donā€™t ask questions.


Apparently my crime is focusing the resto Druid in Arenas.

I was told to delete my game

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


To iterate more on my comment, the red dragonflight then has us murder the consort of Malygos, then put her desecrated corpse near a bonfire expressly to anger Malygos. Again, just a reminder what dragons USED to be in this setting.

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At least we donā€™t steal peopleā€™s pants, unlike FF14s Warrior of Lightā€¦

Thatā€™s for true. We just kill them for their pants


You left off arson and destruction of private property on that list with the whole tree fiasco.

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murderā€¦ yes

genocideā€¦ no.

war crimesā€¦ no such thing. a war crime in your mind has been determined by the geneva convention, and its signatory nations. no agreement like that ever existed on azeroth, so no such thing as war crimes.

poachingā€¦ depends. has the ruling authority banned the hunting of game? if yes, then poaching. if no, not poaching.


You forgot theft, we steal from those we kill.



I have done unspeakable thingsā€¦ I say no moreā€¦

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I donā€™t have insurance on any of my mounts.

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It isnā€™t genocide, itā€™s pest control.


Exactly! So much more reasonable. By killing them first we spare tgem the shame of being pantsless. How merciful we are!


Ironically, I just murdered the last boss in an 11 BRH and gotā€¦his pants


In my RP, Magnarok likes to turn invisible and then go around putting rude stickers around town. On walls, lightposts, sometimes even peoplesā€™ backs!

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For it to be a crime, there has to be a criminal justice system.
If there is a justice system, there has to be law.
If there is law, there has to be lawyers.

Show me a lawyer in WoW, and then, maybe, you can accuse me of a crime.
More likely Iā€™ll just cast ā€œEnslave Demonā€ on it.


Youā€™re so bad! Wow! Blizzard should perma ban you for doing that.

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