Common crimes committed by WoW players

I think about common crimes committed by us when we play our characters.

Murder: We go after people and cut off their heads as proof of our deeds. We get rewarded with money or shiny gear.

Genocide: Think about it when you are slaughtering a tribe of murlocs or centaur. They’re not animals, they’re sapient creatures and we kill them like they’re pests. Not to mention that the only reason why they’re fighting us is because their homeland is being encroached by our factions.

War Crimes: The wars we fought between the alliance and horde made us do unspeakable acts of violence against each other.

Poaching: We killed thousands of wild animals for quests and skinning, I think the natural world is undergoing a mass extinction just like ours.

What crimes do you think we do in the game?


:notes:I’m just a murderhobo and everywhere I go people are dying to see me. :notes:

(sung to the tune of Just a Gigolo)


When I’m in Vakdrakken, I don’t use crosswalks.



People commit fashion crimes constantly



To the best of my knowledge we don’t actually commit genocide. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely kill 12 murlocs if the person in the tent tells me to, but I actively try to kill as few as possible in my questing journey. Genocide would be trying to wipe murlocs out completely, and there’s no way that’s efficient xp.

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idk what op is on about
i have not committed any war crimes due to i am the only one to tell the tell

Not all killing is murder tho. However we definitely do kill some innocent ppl so you’re right

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Some peoples tmogs are crimes against humanity. Tru fax.


Every time I use the dummies in SW I can hear the screams of the squirrels burning.


Almost every vehicle quest involves mass slaughter of a particular enemy type. From double digits up to 1000 for the quest objective.

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I believe the Gulp Frogs on the Timeless Isle would dissagree.

/moo :cow:


Oh, I commit murloc genocide as often as I can. Vanilla Elwynn Forest murloc quests have filled me with an unquenchable hatred towards those fishy menaces.


They’re more like frog people.

I stand corrected, some people really do love their genocide I guess


Those of us with more than 10 battle pets are running a zoo or animal sanctuary without proper licensure (domestic avocation) & safety protocol. If we’re farming in Pandaria & selling tbe goods on AH, we’re probably avoiding some agricultural export taxes. Actually almost all the AH stuff circumvents import/export taxes.


In Elwynn Forest, we kill James Clark in front of little children. I’d say inflicting emotional harm on children is a crime.

True James Clark was most likely a Bandit, but that doesn’t give us the right to murder him in cold blood in front of younglings.

In Zangarmarsh, the Draenei tries to get a group of “Broken” to rejoin them by… impersonating their wild gods to trick them in to rejoining the Draenei. And this is after we loot their village of items important to them. Oh, and we’d probably killed a few of them when they tried to stop our thievery. Oopsie poopsie! (The Horde version of this quest line, while still evil, has less sinister undertones)


We’re doing those kids a favor by show them that the world is brutal and ends messy.

Mages routinely aoe farm as many murlocs as possible in classic.

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