Common crimes committed by WoW players

Dismount players, polymorph them , stun them , throw fish at them.

  • Very bad transmog.
  • Playing any race but Gnome. Particularly Goblins.
  • Not making good use of the bathing facilities (looking at you, Forsaken).
  • Using a mount to ride 10ā€™ away from where you are. We need all need to walk more often!
  • Not buffing each other much. Not that hunters have a buff but if we did we would hand it generously.

I mean I could go on, there is a long list of crimes in this game. What we need is a prison, and when you commit crimes you get locked in prison, with week old bread, Orc beer and no toilet facilaities. :sunglasses:

ā€œIā€™ll have you know that I shower regularly.ā€

ā€œI also LOVE walking around, looking at stuff.ā€

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The REAL crime I have done was farting in an elevator. I could not help it when I had Taco Bell for dinner.

Farting in an elevator should be a CRIME. nod nod

I unapologetically made this for all of you.


:notes: Iā€™m a adventurer and Iā€™m OK. I quest all night and, I sleep all day. :notes:
:notes: Heā€™s an adventurer and heā€™s OK. He quests all night, and he sleeps all day. :notes:

:notes: I cut down mobs, I eat my lunch. I steal other peopleā€™s Amberseeds. :notes:
:notes: On Tuesdays I go raiding, and drink thistle tea! :notes:

:notes: He cuts down mobs, He eats his lunch. He steals others peopleā€™s Amberseeds! :notes:
:notes: On Tuesdays he goes raiding, and drinks some thistle tea! :notes:

:notes: Heā€™s an adventurer and heā€™s OK. He quests all night, and he sleeps all day. :notes:

:notes: I cut down farmers and widows, with extreme and malicious intent. :notes:
:notes: I cannibalize my victims, and hang their faces in Gnoll Tents! :notes:

:notes: ā€¦He cuts down farmers and widowsā€¦ ā€¦With extreme and malicious intentā€¦? :notes:
:notes: Heā€¦ even cannibalized his victims, and hung their faces in Gnoll Tents!! :notes:

:notes: Heā€™s a murder-hobo and heā€™s not right. He sleeps all day, and he quests all night! :notes:

:notes: I bought a Level Boost, because the Paladin class seems rad. :notes:
:notes: Revealing armor on the female form, made my twisting nether glad. :notes:
:notes: Now Iā€™ll go to Moon Guardā€™s Goldshire, and make some coin just like my Dad! :notes:

:notes: He bought a Level Boost, because the Paladin class seemed radā€¦? :notes:
:notes: He likes revealing armor on the female form, and itā€¦ made his twisting netherā€¦ glad?! :notes:
:notes: Now heā€™s off to Moon Guardā€™s Goldshire, to make coin just like hisā€¦ hisā€”:notes:

-the chorus vomits and leaves-


I thought crime was simply defined differently in WoW. Like having a bad transmog.

whoever lists things in public work orders like this is committing crimes deserving life imprisonment.