Come back to Retail

I was 2k in solo my first games and I didn’t even get 1800 last season, its def cooked.

Can’t speak to all the posts you read about, but the real complaints are valid in which RSS cannibalizes the 2s and 3s ladder because they all share the same reward system up to 2400. Not sure where you get the idea that the 2s/3s player who can’t break 1800/2100 decides to push shuffle over regular arena because it’s the easier path to get the same rewards is somehow the same player that would unhappily do 2s/3s just for cap lol.

You say you’re a casual mog collector, so I’m sure you can understand someone who collects mogs/mounts/illusions doing what’s easier to get the reward they want. That is the reason people recommend unique rewards in each bracket to incentivize activity in each instead of letting game mode x die to game mode y.


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Some people can’t hide the misery. Best to just ignore it.

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99% of the community who calls me a hardcore player because I have friends I play with disagree.

Explain, where is the misery in thinking that it’s weird for people to believe that good players just want to destroy bad players easily for rewards?

Gathering yourselves around the sandwich is ignoring it?

Poke one link of the forum centipede and the others come running like clockwork. Only mystery left is who is the head and who is the butt.


From the volume of posts you just said you can’t speak to

Observe below one of the conspiratorial thinkers:

Im getting tusks on my warrior and coming back but losing about 300 rating in shuffle before remix dropped has me questioning if i want to touch it ever again. Im not sure if the volatility of shuffle is worse than the lfg grind.

The swings in the shuffle can be horrendous.

The Illuminati has returned!

I second this. Please play. Queued into r1 teams 4 times in a row at 2.2 mmr

Come back and queue so they can get their MMR and we can all get glad

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You just keep queueing until you dodge them or play as defensively as you can. I won a lot of rounds into the ones that wern’t insane kiters. You just have to play scared and port every trap you can

bro they’re all wrong and just jelly that you have friends to play with.

I’m having trouble understanding because of how you typed this out but in a deflated season good players would want more casuals to play in order to inflate the ladder. Good players also want to destroy bad players for funsies as we’ve seen with people tanking their mmr and climbing back up again.

I don’t think I’ve seen someone ever call you hardcore especially not 99%. I don’t even know your ratings because that isn’t something I look at unless they otherwise tell me. But you are lucky to have friends that still play and that is a huge advantage.

This post cracked me up. I can say definitely say I’m not part of this centipede and I’m proud of that. Being a free thinker is awesome

Hard agree. Stop living in the past

Bold of you to assume that only bad players stop playing the game in “deflated” seasons.

Those are not good players.

You must read with your eyes closed.

I would argue that this is extremely rare. Like xaryu doing a 42-0 challenge rare and that was years ago.

You’re feeding a troll

So are you

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I don’t think I participate in making people upset or angry on these forums as my goal which seems to be maybe something you participate in. I might give players I perceive as toxic on these forums a taste of their own medicine at times but people that earn my respect have it and people that demand respect just for existing, being rude, and having high ratings don’t have it. I don’t punch down either where I see people that are higher rated * cough* being rude to people beneath them.

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You’re right, I’m getting baited. I still think the information I said can just be a PSA though so I’ll take that.

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