Come back to Retail

Remix is the way

just ward one shot him 4head :smiley: :ok_hand:

u dont know how cold these streets get

I may not but the people who got shafted out of tusks and have to farm them again after blizzard messed up and didn’t compensate them do :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Lol playing old version of game, what a weirdo!

What do you find fun about it?

I don’t blame people for not wanting to play. The meta has been stale.

It all feels the same you say? Lmao I’ll stick to cata

I’ll admit, I’m not sure what he said that was judgement-worthy. Did I miss something you’d elaborate on?

Just seemed like some dude trying to entice people back to retail.

The crazy powers you get and the rewards just for playing

Sum this up with a spongebob reference

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yeah was random. my assumption is maybe it was read as a post that trying to entice players to play to make it easier to get glad, as if its a bad thing? passing judgement of “git gud” if you want to get glad, instead of hoping for increased participation. saying this based on the context of his other response saying i would understand if the drive to get great was within me or something. which if that was the judgement, would be pretty hilarious.

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No, but hey I got elite as arms.

Low effort bait.

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I think u may be rite. They seemingly didn’t reset MMR very much, so 1800 in 3s is kinda baseline for pushing

S1 shuffle had people over 3k tho, iirc :thinking:

yeah i just generally thought it was cringe, and that the rhetorical question i asked was a funny way to say that

ignorant casuals/bads come on this forum fairly often since the launch of shuffle and claim that whatever thing they decided they’re mad at on the given day is really motivated by arena addicts wanting arena haters pushed into queueing up 3s.

i dislike seeing that conspiracy theory actually get validated even one time by a generally benign mutilate presser


lol you’re a funny dude my man. funny dude. every streamer is hyping up cata for content. blizz is putting on a paid pvp tourny, theres tons of ppl on my bnet playing cata exclusively since it dropped and it will probably be that way most of cata s1. its not a conspiracy theory lmao. alot of people are playing cata pvp/mop remix because they have a bad taste in their mouth from S4 SL being retcon and S4 DF being the same. they knew DF isnt getting no more attention til expac so they stop playing.

1000% bet my life if pvpers knew s2 SL would be the easiest season to get glad you would see so many more ppl queuing that season. im just making the appeal to the “casual/bad” players that they are more likely to reach their goals if they just play with the current state of mmr.

and btw unless you’re getting paid to play wow you are a casual just like the rest of us playing a video game for fun. doesnt matter how much you play, how hardcore you play, how good you are, what achievements and accolades you have in game, you are a casual.

You have pretty severely misunderstood what I called a conspiracy theory

I am not a doubter of the current popularity of cata classic, and I think that’s a ridiculous place to hit a speed bump while reading my post. How did you manage that

No, I’m an amateur

The word casual could be shoehorned in if you wanted to be spiritually incorrect but pedantically valid. I am an amateur PvP enthusiast, but a casual mog collector. I will further spell out the difference if requested

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so what is the conspiracy theory you mention?

“Arena players want blizz to incentivize 3s because they want to smurf on a meat grinder full of casuals just unhappily playing for the most efficient cap “ is the neatest summary I can fire off of the conspiracy theory I see once a week on average. Less since season 3 ended, I assume because a lot of the people who pushed it are playing cata or mop atm

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