Come back to Retail

No evidence here, just a feeling. but S4 may be the easiest season to get glad if more people were playing. sure there was some slight meta changes due to voted tier, bullion pve gear and minor class tuning, but it all feels the same for the most part.

With the lack of MMR reset, players are pushing to similar ratings that was their peak at the end of last season, but are hitting a wall of multiglads and r1 players since the participation is low. It’s almost as if S3 got extended 4 months and there was a bug that reset everyones CR.

If you got around 2200 cr in 3s last season you can def get glad this season if you just play. So please quit mop remix and cata and come back to retail.



You don’t often let yourself get daunted by the fear of being judged, do you


I pushed 1800 in shuffle and I was wearing honor gear still. No reason for me to keep playing plus there’s a ton of rewards in MoP remix

How do you get past the MM hunters in greens? I get melted on my ww at 1900MMR. I get a hunter in every lobby it seems

Make me :rage:

I was healing but I would pop a defensive right away and run for pillars.

why would i care about being judged.


Externalized quality control?

bro what are you on about


bro these groups that cant do dark animus at 450+ ilvl are bringing me right back dont u worry

you dont have to quit hehe just play both.

You’ll figure it out if the drive to be great truly lives within you.

Oh god that dredged a horrible memory. I’m so glad I don’t raid anymore


nope, the idea of caring about the judgement someone passes on the internet is lost on me. why would i think of it as QC when the person doesnt even know me? especially in the context of a video game forum post lol.


Oh I didn’t realize I was talking to the first person who has ever succeeded at writing a post that doesn’t express any trace of their individual identity. What an honor

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a trace of identity provided on a forum post = the reader knows enough about me to pass a judgement that i should care about.

got it.

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I have transmog to farm, see you after like… 12 more garrosh kills.

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wait did you trick me last night i swear to god you were the blood dk in my heart of fear i was doing on my hunter

Nah I leveled an orc warrior (shocker) and a goblin priest. I have a level 35 dwarf prot paladin I am meaning to finish and a 10 troll hunter I need to level but that’s all. That’s my remix stack.

Edit: Though I may swap the hunter for a blood dk because tank queues sound way better and hunters are boring.

Remix is no joke insanely fun. Ive been farming it as well. Its so good it even taken me out of the solo shuffle dopamine farm and that takes effort

I knew this was going to be an easy season when some of the worst 2200 hardstuck solo shuffle players I know got 2400 day 2. I knew something was fishy…