
it is still haven’t got it.

You clearly don’t play the game if that’s your take :sweat_smile:

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My never ending quest to get Invincible, The Fiery Warhorse’s Reins, Baron Rivendare’s mount and about a dozen other ones would argue against this.


The game has been around for 17 years. People have been farming mounts, pets, titles, etc for 17 years. It’s kind of statistically likely that there are more of X rare mount now than there were in the past. That doesn’t mean the drop is any less rare than before, though.

That mount is a myth. A MYTH, I say! MYYYTH!!!



All TCG mounts are still rare. Mini Tyrael pet still amasses $4500 worth, Murky even moreso. These are all luxury items that virtually have zero chance of being made widely available again.

According to the website, any of the trading card game mounts I have are considered rare, at < 1% of the player population. For mounts obtained in game, the rarest one I have is listed as the Cobalt Primal Direhorn from Oondasta at 1%.

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every loot card mount, i wish blizz would make every loot card mount buyable on the black market at a substantial amount of gold

Arthas still won’t gimme the horsey.

:rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage:

you can buy that mount for $25 right now or $10 in december, don’t need 6 month purchase to get that, guess blizz thinks platers are that dumb

1.2% :sunglasses:

uhhhh what ?

If you want to be a collector on this game, you need an army of alts for some mounts, Sha of Anger, Love Rocket…

Sarge is not in the Store yet…so you can’t buy it for $25 dollars…now Squeakers is in the store…

Been farming those with 24 characters for years. RNGesus is not with me when it comes to some mounts.

TCG mount Reins of the Swift Spectral Tiger card sells for over $9,000 to as high as $15,000 …in real dollars…in the AH if one is posted by chance it will be at the 10,000 million gold mark…I brought mine during WoD for 220,000 in gold in the AH…

The year they lowered lvl to do love rocket couple years back I was running 35 toons everyday for Love Rocket…never got that Bloody thing to drop during that time…and still don’t have it but I have a guild friend that has had it drop twice for him on same character…grrrr.

I know someone in my guild that got it first time they went in there at level…grrr.

I’m with you OP. there’s really nothing of prestige anymore, outside of maybe the exclusive PvP stuff these days. PvE rewards have languished over time, as far as how special they feel or appear.

at least that’s my opinion. seeing invincible for the millionth time…It’s just a common horse at this point :-1:

i wish some PvE trophies, actually felt like trophies sometimes

no wonder there’s no player housing in this game. like everyone’s house and collections would be identical

I have it, and the Magic Rooster. Someone gave me the trading card for the latter.