
Blizz implemented tech a long time ago to make it so that “legacy bosses” don’t die in 1 hit. So people have enough time to tag a boss from a previous expansion before everyone 1-shots it.

AND YET… they also insist on keeping a handful of bosses WITHOUT that tech, so that you sit around waiting for a boss to spawn, only to have it die before it even fully shows up on your screen.


So… good luck getting those mounts. They not only have low drop rates, but you can’t even get a tag on the stupid things because Blizz has created a solution … THAT THEY DON’T USE.

Feel free to disagree, but trying to flawless layer 12 all different wings of Torghast sounds like such a pain that I’m not surprised it’s that rare.

Meh :\ I didn’t have issues with it but I have heard some horror stories regarding other classes.


you guys are going to make blizz put these mounts in the shop stop it.

Not I. I’m willing to chase rare things, but truth be told, I’d rather be sitting on a complete collection of common things than be chasing a single rare/exclusive thing.

BFA’s masses of rare drops from rare mobs drained me pretty badly, but I managed to eventually complete most of my collecting goals. Shadowlands has put so much stuff behind rare drops, undocumented quests and gameplay that simply doesn’t interest me that I’m just flat out broken.

Haven’t looked thru the comments but Crushing Bones and Cracking Skulls is keeping me from a mount. If Blizz could make that suck a little less that’d be great. It just irritates the bejeezus outta me and I can’t do it. :facepunch:

No, it’s not rare at all but it hasn’t been made easier.

I am not banging down Tempest Keep’s door every day, but I have still never actually seen Ashes of A’lar drop.

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If that were true, I’d have the Big Love Rocket.

What about the heavenly onyx cloud serpent?

Also for me personally it’s invincible (over 300 attempts) and the one from mythic BRF (near 200 attempts)

You don’t need a 6 month sub for Sarge either, so I guess Blizzard is right about players being dumb.

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For me, sometimes I really like the way they look from a distance but can’t stand riding them. I always thought Ashes of Alar was just stunning so I farmed it for ages until I got it. Then I discovered the little streams of light you see from riding him made me twitch.

So I only use him for very short flights or to sit on occasionally.

Luckily for me a lot of the weird mounts from the mall hold no interest for me now.


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Same. I went after Alar for the prestige of getting it but after one short flight those trails were driving me crazy. These days my White Whale is the Sha serpent and finishing off my 100 reputations, currently at 97.

there are lots of rare mounts that have been made harder to get because of CRZ - time lost drake comes to mind.

there actually is very little collection stuff that they make easier to get.

just because people have farmed something for 14 years and finally get it doesn’t make it any less rare. And 20% of accounts don’t have it either. I am not sure what data base you are using but there were a whole bunch of less than 1% mounts arounds.

Can you give us an example of something “so rare” in the past then because there wasn’t. If anything, the secret mounts from BfA and Legion are more rare than anything used to be.

Mollie. :cry:

40 some odd kills per cycle* and still no alpaca to keep my other 2 company.

  • I did miss a few because of work during the spring and most of the summer (for honestly and accuracy’s sake).
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Don’t you hate that? Spend so much effort on something, get it and then realize you don’t like it.

For me it was the Sandstone Drake. Was so excited to farm those jars for the pattern and when I finally made one and transformed for the first time all I could think was “My God, this is an ugly dragon.”.

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LOL, that’s one of the reasons I haven’t gotten the sandstone drake. It’s just not a nice looking dragon.


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There are several mounts with 1% or less chance of drop, and there are many that only drop from specific rares that are not always there, but I think you are forgetting some important factors.

  • the game is OLD and many people have been here for years, sooner or later if you are dedicated you will end up whit the mount.

  • People organize rare hunting, and some groups charge for it, sow you can pay for mounts.

  • Most of the people who are in the game right now have been playing for years, many have possibly never played anything other MMORPG, the most casual players are going to other games, so it is normal that you see a lot of people with rare mounts.