
Why yes. Yes it does.

Yes, one day I will too.

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I guess my collection will make yours worthless.

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The northrend turtle?

Until drop rates are increased and yours become worthless as well. :joy::joy::joy:

Not true to a true collector of rare mounts…I got the Magic Rooster egg during WoD…I use it all the time when we are stuck on the ground…I use it today still …my flying mount use to be Headless horseman till we got Squeakers, the Trickster mount offered that is my flying mount now cause it fits my name of my toon…Moused…I know its a rat but to me its a Mouse.

The only mount that might replace Squeakers is if I ever get the Love Rocket…

That is the original 60% movement brewfest ram, NOT the 100% epic drop Swift Bewfest Ram. and yes, the original one is that rare, it was only available for 2 maybe 3 brewfests, was a huge grind to get, so not many had it when it was removed.

No idea why it was removed to be honest. Ugly mount too. I wouldn’t mind at all if it was added to the BMAH.

Actually the Love Rocket isn’t consider rarer now compared too the Magic Rooster Egg mount…the Love Rocket is owned by 3% of profiles in game and still drops each year which builds up more on profiles…were as the Magic Rooster Egg mount is only owned by 2% of profiles and the TCG card isn’t made anymore now…so its rarer then Love Rocket.

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I gave up on ever getting that one. I have seen its corpse more times than I wish to even say. It is a serious case of being in the right place at the right time.

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step 1. find a hilariously dead US server

step 2. profit.

Not sure how a collector is suppose to get something not being made anymore. I wish I can get some battle pets but I can’t cause the events for it is over and done with.

So if someone jumps in the game and is a collect they are out of luck on some of the rarer stuff cause you can’t get anymore. Which puts a crimp in the collecting.

The rarest mount till it became extinct was the Fluorescent Green Mechanostrider which was only owned by one player on the EU realm…the owner of said mount did indeed try to illegally sell his account, and it was brought to Blizzards attention, and instead of banning the account, they instead removed the mount from his mount journal. Furthermore, it is rumored, that for the short time that the mount was on the website, that the bid for the account exceeded the price of over $15,000, however, once Blizzard got a hold of the news, they shut it down.

Not sure actually, I have most of the very rare ones. Also, I don’t value them based on rarity. I value them based on whether or not I like to ride them.

Good Lord! 15 grand for one mount.

That’s rare? I had two before account wide mounts.

That is rumor price it was at when Blizzard shut it down but I can see someone paying that amount for the rarest mount in game…

A collection of computer monitor pixles organized in a shape of a rare mount isn’t worth 15 Grand to me. I can get a super gaming computer for that price.

Too each their own…and more then likely the one that put up that bid had a super gaming system back then already …as they say a fool and its money are soon parted…

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The TCG card isn’t made anymore but you can still sometimes find the mount in the AH but with amount of gold each toon can carry you can expect it to go for at least 10 Million gold now…there are web sites that sell these cards online they range in real money from $2100 too over $3200 dollars to buy it. Whether if these cards are true TCG cards or copies I couldn’t tell you …I brought my Rooster Egg mount back in WoD for 240,000 gold off the AH.

I mean, I have a few rare mounts that I keep on my bars even though I got them years ago. But there are over 700 mounts in the game, even a “true collector” isn’t gonna use all the rare ones they get. But speaking of Squeakers, that new Hearthstone promo mount Sarge is coming out soon, and that’s an actual mouse if you want a mount to match your name :slight_smile: