
Is there any rare mount, pet, title, etc that Blizzard hasn’t made easier to get over time? It almost seems that there’s nothing rare anymore. Anyone else see it this way?

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Things don’t seem that rare I can agree, but over my time as a collector of mounts I have realized it doesnt matter how many I have as much as it matters if I have one for my transmog. That is the true end game of transmog, having a mount go with it.


Isn’t the horse from Baron Riverdare still kind of rare? It had a low drop rate I thought?

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Im sure it’s still considered rare, but not like it was. I think 1/5 accounts have it now or something like that.

Lucid Nightmare?

It’s definitely a major PITA to get.



You still can’t see it!


They nerfed that ages ago. I got mine recently within 10 runs.


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If you go to the website dataforazeroth you can see what you have and just how rare it is. and yes, some of this stuff is still very very rare.


Love Rocket anyone? the last like 4 years ive run between 15-22 characters every day during the event and havent seen it at all. ive also been running it since its been a thing, just the last 4 years ive had that army of alts and really tried hard, but overall its been 15 years or so ive been going after it.


love rocket headless horseman lots of attempts no luck even invincable astral cloud serpent i suck getting mounts lots of rare stuff for some some people have that luck. oh ya sha mount.


According to the website, 2% of the player population only has it.
I gave up on that stupid thing. Headless horseman mount I have 12 copies of, Love Rocket, 0, nothing, notta! :sob:

15% of the population has either of those 2, not as rare as it once was.

Still crazy rare for that one %1 own it

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Yeah, this is true, don’t let your perception fool you some things are still really rare despite feeling like you see it often.

The mounts don’t become less rare as in the drop rate being increased typically. It’s more a matter of as more time passes since it became available more people farm it so you see it more often.


15% is still low stuffs been out awhile.


Actually 3% of profiles have the Love Rocket but only 2% have the Magic Rooster Egg mount…which now with amount of gold we can have its up in the 7 Million+ gold range now…so glad I got mine during WoD for 240,000 gold. So that means the Magic Rooster is now more rare then Love Rocket…cause the TCG card for Egg mount isn’t made anymore. Where as the Love rocket drop comes up each year with Holiday…

I’ll never understand why people go to such lengths for mounts, yet you look around Oribos and see 90% of players all riding the same few latest flavors of the month mounts.


Anything from a raid that has sets that drop from trash and not bosses. That is sorely unfair. Still have to run Mythic Emerald Nightmare just for some leather gloves…

What difference does it make if you are collecting it who else has it as well?

Let me guess that cool mount now means less to you because someone else is riding it.


Look at all the anti-Mage Tower threads, bro.

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