In a recent interview with Fandy there were some mentions of what they should do regarding mount collecting achievements because it is hard to keep everyone happy. So I’d like to give my feedback regarding that and what I’d hope to see going forward.
I’d like to give a quick background on what got me into mount collecting. It was the 200 mount achievement for the armored dragonhawk during MoP. I thought it looked amazing and at the time I wasn’t raiding or big into pvp so this became my carrot. It took many months for me to get the mounts for it but once I did it was one my favorite moments in the game. I think it is important to have those carrot on a stick moments with rewards that make people want to go get them.
There was a point made in the interview that mount collectors are not happy because the last achievement added many mount collector achievements got it upon logging in and wanted the next one. There is a point with that since most hardcore collectors are always farming and near the cap. But at the same time the time between the 400 mount achievement and the 500 achievement added in 10.0 was 4 years. There was such a big gap between the time added for achievements that causes that situation.
Personally I am a little over 800 mounts collected now. I understand that I am in a more niche population and that you would have to play for years to get to that point. That said, I still think there is a better middle ground if hardcore players are over 300 mounts ahead of the 500 achievement added in 10.0.
I’d like mount achievements to be at least somewhat closer to where pet collecting is right now. The latest pet achievement is 1600 and the top collectors are nearing 1700. With most hardcore collectors being over 800 I think at least 700 is a good spot at minimum to add for achievements. At the next expac launch perhaps 800 since I am sure more mounts will be added.
Those are my thoughts on it. Again, I understand that I am part of a niche group but even counting that it does seem like mount achievements have been lagging behind heavily over the years. (Also I suggest that sick Stormcrow mount in files since MoP as one of the rewards).