Mount Collector Support Group v25

Well, it finally happened: I stopped procrastinating and dug up that damn mount.

#701 - Rusty Mechanostrider (around 300 kills)
#702 - Snapback Scuttler
#703 - Ultramarine Qiraji Battle Tank (520 Mantid / 135 Tol’vir solves)
#704 - Valiance
#705 - Seething Slug (For anyone that hasn’t got this mount yet, it was insanely easy to get in WM. That phase of the game is pretty dead and I got all three orbs in under 10 minutes.)


Thanks to some wonderful folks over on Kil’jaeden:

#674 - Anu’Relos, Flame’s Guidance

When you learn the mount you get a useable somnowl feather and cinder of companionship that’s useable by anyone to unlock the druid flight form and gain the ability to tame the fire owl pet.

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#856 - Explorers Stonehide Packbeast


Just purchased my 729th usable mount for my main off of the Trading Post! My newest mount is the Majestic Azure Peafowl! :smiley:


I was looking for a good thread for this reply, I think this one works.

Hi Turkeycat,

As you mentioned Devs said that the lack of some achievements are directly related to some items not being longer available, they’re providing some via promotions, trading post.

I agree with you from a mount collector perspective, Devs could do achievements around the amount of permanent mounts in game which is huge compared to the last achievement for 500, actually we’ve to request via multiple threads updates to these achievements because Devs update the goal every 4 years…

400 mount was added in 2018 and 500 was added in 2022…We need to wait until the 2026 for a new achievement… the last time Devs skipped 450.

I remember my thread regarding 500 mounts, we keep pushing for that…I have over 900+ mounts so usually a new achievement isn’t a goal but just an instant trigger because Devs don’t keep the amount of obtainable items as a goal that you can pursuit.

Also, I’d like to see more achievements like Awake the Drakes,
Could you take a look to this thread that I created some time ago?

Also, another C.C members that usually check other forums and have few days left.

Maybe if we can’t get a new mount achievement, Devs should incentive collecting by doing more Awake the drakes achievements like I posted in my old thread…I lost my access to post URL/Images, so I can’t do post like that anymore.



Turkeycat, what I don’t understand is that you think the time to create new rewards is the issue, If we check most recent mount achievements are just recolors of another mount, maybe creating new unique rewards could be a time constraint issue but as I mentioned in my old post, Devs can use old recolors that are in their database but unused at this time.

For example, new mount achievements for X amount of mounts or some new achievement like Awake the drakes could use those recolors. I don’t know for other cosmetics but at least that’s my feedback regarding mounts. I don’t think that time is the issue regarding the rewards but their conflict of philosophy between Items that were removed and the actual amount of items in game.

PS: I wish time was the issue and everytime a new mount achivement was introduced, it was an unique mount that the model only exist for that achievement. That’s such a cool idea.

Naamah, I hate to push you aside because I appreciate and value your input on several things but this thread was never really a discussion topic more of a “I got this today!” sort of topic. You’ll see some small discussion from time to time but it was never heavy discussion more light discussion before we got back into posting our finds for the day/week.

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honestly I may have over stepped on my mount knowledge, I just had recalled there being drama over the reward being a recolor on a previous one,

I would be curious to hear your thoughts on the categories other than mounts though :slight_smile:
Pets are pretty much caught up, mounts are a bit behind,
Quests, Reputations, transmog are Wayyyy behind
Quests being my specialty, the quest achievement is currently sitting at 3000 added in WoTLK, meanwhile in DF folks are passing 15k :slight_smile:

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Yeah, I couldn’t find another thread for this besides my necro from 2022…and I couldn’t do a necro because I can’t reply to my last comment twice on that one. I tought about doing a new one but it was more like for a quick reply. :man_shrugging:

BTW, I like this thread but I don’t get mounts often at this point :sweat_smile:

The yeti was a different tint causing some drama, the Otter is almost a recolor, Artist use the same approach that Nightfae forms had.

I’ll have to gather my thoughts about other categories and maybe a whole new thread for the players outside the C.C will be required for that. I just wanted to provide my input as mount collector because I’ve done this kind of threads in the GD, later moved here and also PTR.

I think there’s a huge opportunity not only with a # goal but also with specific families of mounts.

PS: Maybe I’ll do a new thread for this specifically (when i’ve some free time), sorry everyone else, I disrupted the normal trend of this post. :dracthyr_cry_animated: :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

#857 - Majestic Azure Peafowl

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Off topic but that’s not what this thread as. I can’t remember when it switched from its original format to announcing how many you have collected.

I’ve been participating in this thread since the beginning and it started off as a place to discuss mounts that you were having trouble getting. That’s why it’s called “support group.”

I see. It’s hard to tell what its originally about since the old thread link is no longer valid (it just goes back to the forum front page). Most of the time I’ve just seen people say “Hey I got this!” and “How’d you get that?” Then explanation before it goes back to “I got this!”

Yeah I get it. This really is version 25 of it because threads used to cap at 400 replies IIRC.

I kind of miss that part of this thread. Talking to others about their mount woes.

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I could go on an on about Jade Primordial Direhorn if you like. :dracthyr_lulmao:


I had over 250 of each rep token. I feel your pain, buddy.


12 more tries at Karokta yesterday and still no dice. :person_shrugging:

Breezebiter’s also been a pain, lots of sitting in front of a cave for hours.

I wish I’d been around when Fallen Charger was current, the only handy time to go for it is reset day when it spawns 60 minutes after the servers come back online, but that’s not very consiliatory with staying employed. :expressionless:

Need to work Nighthold back into my schedule before moving on to Antorus, still need the mythic mount but grinding knowledge points on alts has taken up most of my free time that used to go towards mount farming.

Did get the Thundering Cobalt Cloud Serpent for 509K off the BMAH last night, which was a surprise. I assumed I’d be outbid within minutes of logging off for bed.

Brings me up to 480/500 on the achiev.

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#675 - Majestic Azure Peafowl

Also figured out what mystery mount’s #672 and #673 were.
#672 - Clayscale Hornstrider
#673 - Explorer’s Stonehide Packbeast


#858 - Fiery Hearthsteed


Just received my 730th usable mount for my main in-game! My newest mount is the Fiery Hearthsteed! You get this mount for logging into the game Hearthstone during the Hearthstone 10th Anniversary event, Which just started today in World of Warcraft! :smiley:


Inviting folks for Breezebiter, 5th player phased us and we lost him.
