I have a question chief, there’s a BUNCH of Transmog that I SHOULD have gained from doing the “Scepter of the Shifting Sands” Questline. Specifically, I don’t know about anyone else, but I KNOW I at least speak for the Scarab Lords out there, the very few who remain playing, that we should be given the transmog retroactively. The transmogs of the the following…
Onyx Embedded Leggings (Mail Legs)
Drudge Boots (Leather Feet)
Gnomish Turban of Psychic Might (Cloth Head)
Darkwater Robe (Cloth Chest)
Fang of Korialstrasz & Shadowsong’s Sorrow (Daggers that share the same xmog)
Runesword of the Red (Sword)
Ravencrest’s Legacy (Sword)
I love collecting transmog myself, I’ve collected a lot of stuff that was RFG that cost me 100,000s, usually, I farmed the mats, and wasn’t upset when the transmog was put back in the game. Sure it sucked spending 40K+ On Frozen Runes that are now lucky if they’re 50G a piece. I am not a vain person, I’ve met a few other Scarab Lords who are cool with the idea of the transmog we’ve earned be made public.
My Shaman was only able to get transmogs for the Onyx Embedded Legs, Korialstrasz/Shadowsong daggers. Will the cloth leather, cloth, & Swords be made available for me to transmog on my account?
I would also be delighted if a green/blue/epic drop of the items I mentioned dropped in their corresponding locations, i even gave them new names that pay homage to the original item and saved you guys a step:
Onyx Studded Leggings in Blackwing Lair
Drudged Leather Boots in Moonglade or Sunken Temple
Gnomish Turban of Psychic Awesomeness on Alcaz Island or in the Molten Core
Darkwater Seasilk Robes in Azshara
Sharpened Fang of Korialstrasz, Shadowsong’s Seething Sorrow, and Great Runesword of the Red, can all drop in the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj.
Ravencrest’s Legacy is unique in this scenario, I’d be fine with that dropping in Temple of Ahn’Qiraj or Black Rook Hold on Mythic, and I’d name it: Inheritance of Ravencrest.
Again, I’m happy and find sharing the transmog I worked my butt off to get with people who didn’t do the quest because they didn’t have time or were too young or whatever.T They can be farmable or have a small chance of dropping once per week, I’m fine with that.
I REALLY just want to have the transmogs I’m missing from this questline and hope I’ll be retroactively given them. You guys gave people the motorcycles from 10 years ago, you can give me the words, cloth, & leather I earned. I completed everything up to and including Treasure of the Timeless One, I just didn’t Bang A Gong!