Collecting Appearances in The War Within

Following the introduction of Warbands, we’ve seen a lot of discussion and received a lot of feedback from Transmog collectors. We want everyone to know that we’re currently working on some improvements to appearance collecting that are planned for the next patch after the release of The War Within.

First is an update to class-restricted gear. We’re working to make it so that non-cosmetic class-restricted gear can have its appearance collected by any class. Appearance collection will be retroactive to any gear in your inventory or bank. The intent is to make it much easier to collect class sets from legacy raids where that gear drops directly.

We’re also still working on the much-discussed update that makes it so that when quests are completed, all appearances from non-cosmetic item rewards will be granted, regardless of whether that particular class could have seen or chosen them. We plan for this to be retroactive, so any quests that you previously completed should grant all qualifying appearances when you first log onto any character. The intent here is to remove the need for completing these quests on multiple classes in order to collect all the appearances they provide.

Again, our intent is to implement the above with the next patch after the launch of The War Within.

Thank you very much!


This is a good change.
Unfortunately, after nearly 20 years, your game is still full of an incredibly large number of limitations and restrictions for players. Sadly, this still extends to the faction system and the fact that you place race as a decisive factor over value when it comes to faction choice, thus taking away players’ freedom to actually choose the faction they like and forcing them into a faction solely based on race.
Therefore, I appreciate that you are at least introducing more freedom in the transmog area. Thanks!





No, no, Thank you! :blue_heart:


What an incredibly weird reply, the entire history of WoW and quests story’s have involved problems between various races and factions of Azeroth’s society.

A true 2024 Blizzard player at heart … Jesus


Thank you! :dracthyr_heart:


Thank you for providing intent.

Now I can go forward with what I plan to do with all my alts for the next few months.


Maybe, I am aminority but I felt like having to work on alts to get class specfiq transmog was nice.

The removal of armor type loc was good since plate user had a big advantage for no reason.


Now work on legacy raid scaling so we can do them solo to get transmog options.


This is amazing tmog news!

Speaking of transmog, is there any news on what may happen with the unique MoP Remix weapon mogs after the event ends?

Similarly, is there any plans for the low RNG recruit’s sturdy gear to be obtainable after the echo pre-patch event?


deciding whether or not to spam item restorations after we were told this wasn’t going to be the case. :zipper_mouth_face:


If I was Elon Musk, I’d drop ya a cool $5mil just because this is an awesome improvement to the game. Sadly, I’m not and thus can’t afford to drop ya that type of capital, but I did give you a thumbs up.


Well at least I know that when I do my ToS/NH runs I plan to do this weekend, I can hold class items in my banks.

I think I kept a few already as a “just in case”


This definitely puts a huge smile on my face, I love collecting transmog items and this is going to make it so much better.

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This is great news! These two changes were definitely ones I wanted (and a ton of other players too!). Even better that they are retroactive! It means we can hang on to any Class gear from old content and we can continue to do quests with the intent to have the transmog looks granted later.

That makes me feel like my time is actually valued seeing as I don’t have to repeat anything.


Kaivax, you da bomb dot com. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


Thanks. Now, I know I can wait until 11.0.5 to start running those old raids again.


So if im soloing a legacy raid and i get tier pieces for other classes it wont count unless im on said class.

Here we go again… i need 10 mages in hopes i can hurry and get a tier set complete. THAT IS 10 YEARS OLD!!!

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

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This is amazing news. Happy to see confirmation that it is intended, just not yet implemented. Will likely go back and do Loremaster again once this goes live to ensure I didn’t miss anything.

Not sure what quests I have and have not completed yet due to multiple faction changes on this character over the years, and I did Loremaster of EK and Kalimdor before Cataclysm.

you can run them now… just bank the “reds”