Collecting Appearances in The War Within

Neat called this.

That’s good! They should be switched to legacy upon release of the next expansion, not years later. The gear is pointless to farm other than cosmetics so it may as well be let up.


Not great for longevity. I enjoyed having a reason to go back on a new alt and go questing in areas I haven’t seen in a long time for goodies. Wish this stuff involved a toggle.

I can see everything (including things I can’t equip)
I can also purchase them.

Just can’t use the item to add it to my collection. Got the error text like when you are trying to equip an item your class can’t use.

Edit: Rephrased for clarity.

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Good news: You can still go back on your alts and quest.


First I want to say thank you for giving us this information!

Thank you for this change, I brought it up at the start of Beta being an issue (as well as Tier Tokens which were soon after changed to Warbound). It would have been nicer to know a few weeks ago that this is something looking to be changed but would take more time.

I am however EXTREMEMLY happy this is occurring.

I am wondering if this change will also affect the R11/R14 Vanilla cosmetic sets from hitting 1800 in RBG’s from the vendors in Area 52 so that players may only need to hit this achievement once to collect all of the appearances that are class restricted. It was amazing that the RBG titles for Rating 1100 to 2400 was made account wide with TWW.

If not, as sad as it is, it won’t affect me that much as I plan to grab my last 4 class sets thanks to Solo Rated BG’s.

Again an excellent change and thank you so much for communicating this.

One wonders why you are using a fresh DK to post rude garbage comments lol

Thank you so much for doing what was already promised except now there’s a delay and probably more changes between now and then. Great work.

Yes. This is good. Keep going this direction.

Well that’s nice. Maybe I’ll finally get the cloak for my mythic antorus paladin set! That thing seems to drop for every character except my paladins!

The posting is correct though. Given that the story resembles a burnout syndrome, where you force yourself to have faction wars, it only shows what people truly want: True Freedom.

Awesome, now the next logical and ultimate step is to allow all cross armor type mogs

Imagine the challange, having to add an npc that can exchange class-restricted gear for a tier-set token you can transfer and use with the appropriate class to buy the gear piece again from the same npc so you can learn the transmog. :sweat_smile:

This is great news, but boy am I terribly upset about the fact that it was originally announced that this would NOT be the case (re: class-restricted gear), so I emptied my entire void storage and bank of it.

Joke’s on me for not expecting you to change your plans, but the Colonel can only be so hopeful.


This is the way.

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are you talking about items flagged as cosmetic, or the arsenals?

It will come as a feature within the next 10 years.

God forbid the gameplay evolves after 20 years and isn’t limited to just Red VS Blue, even after coming together to create a fairytale ending after the 87123497129th world ending threat.


The singular items flagged as cosmetic.

(May have mixed my currencies. The stuff that drops in awakened raid. Then the vendor that sells the specific cosmetic weapons in the Bronze Quarter of Vakdrakken. They’re behind the vendors that sell the regular Awakened Raid Weps/Cloaks/Rings/Amulet/etc)

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Except that it isn’t anymore…

We can all play with each other because it makes senSe as individuals.

But it also makes sense that not everyone in the horde and alliance feel okay with the opposite faction races roaming around their capitals.

What we have now is the best case scenario and shouldn’t change.

Don’t ever work for blizzard. Keep your fanfic trash out of this game