Codex of Chromie is Slop

It’s almost like he and the rest of those WoW content grifters steal all their opinions from places like the WoW forum and WoW Reddit and then make videos parroting those opinions because that’s what’s popular and gets views for money.


idk why people even watch that nerd.

Then don’t do it. Simple as that.

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Because he is the only one talking about WoW that doesnt simp for this game.

Even Asmongold was all positive about TWW even tho he clearly wasnt enjoying it.

When a new expansion comes out every WoW influencer loses their brain and just waxes poetic about how great the art and music team are.

Really annoying.

Thought you were leaving?

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My issue with the codex, and the theater, and awakening the machine is how mind-numbingly boring they are. Disclaimer, before someone checks my achievements: I have not raided anything above LFR since Legion, nor have I done any dungeons higher than mythic 0 since then. But I still want a bit of challenge.

On the first day awakening the machine came out I beat the 20 waves on my disc priest and thought “that’s it?” Now I force myself to do it on one toon a week for the possibly of recipes.

I understand that blizz needs to appeal to a wide spectrum of ages and gaming abilities, but can’t they make a challenge mode/hard version of these open world events so people don’t fall asleep?

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I actually enjoy awakening the machine but would like a harder mode of it.

Imagine if Torghast would’ve dropped gear similar to delves.

Hey it’s still better than those azeroth memory events they think we’ll do for 20 key fragments to make keys we don’t need!

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Would have been more hell than it was. Was bad enough having to run that place over and over and over for Lego currency.

Finally to the point I’m not compelled to run 8 a week for vault on my main. And now it’s the main reason I don’t want to gear up alts, just can’t bring myself to run them more.

Was looking at the delvers journey. Second to last slot unlocks 580 adventure gear. Talk about fixing the barn door after the cows come home.

No, it was kinda tedious and difficult for TODAY’s expectations.

It was casual easymode MMORPG for the time.


Yea they’re really expensive too. Like so many undercoins to buy catch up gear that isn’t needed anymore. You can instantly gear a character now past 580 with just AH gear, crafting, and renown unlocks

It’s because people regurgitate what they hear. Bellular called it slop so simpletons follow suit.

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I thought it was terrible day one and I didn’t listen to Bellular until just an hour ago.

It needs to just go away


Codex of Chromie did suck. Not sure what is fun about it to anyone.

I’m not a dev, I don’t know their time frames but I think that something like taking the Ben Howell scenario but making us old raid bosses versus never ending supply of battle rezed heroes would’ve been more fun.
Add a little leaderboard to it for those that want to brag.
Would’ve fit nicely into the anniversary of wow concept, no broken que timer.


For all the hype, I was pretty disappointed that it was just follow Chromie around and kill a few mobs. Then you ‘reenact’ something by standing in circles and at the end, kill a random boss?

Doesn’t feel like the opening of the gates at all. There should be tons of players and mobs running around, and it should feel alive.

Not like some sterilized zone with nothing going on.


Even streamers can be right once in awhile.

This event is garbage juice. Straight up sink pudding.


I don’t think it’s about wanting to spoil the fun, or being too lazy to figure it out for themselves. It’s about not being a burden on the four or more other people in party or raid. It’s a matter of respect to come prepared.

I also think that players who aren’t motivated to enter content with some preparation find it convenient to call players who do research elitists, or try-hards, just to feel better about their own choices. That’s high-quality hypocrisy.

I wouldn’t look up the answers to a quiz unless I felt I couldn’t complete it, but if I was taking a test I surely would study the content.

Streamer: makes video

Gamers: my opinion has arrived


Weird, Normally I don’t agree with that guy on much of anything.