Club for people that used Creation Catalyst on non-tier gear

And these people reproduce.

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I used a mythic plus chest piece on the catalyst, so I guess I don’t get to be in this club.

I used mine to create the non-set bonus Bracers. (still tier, so i got the transmog too which is a plus) :heart_eyes:

I’m kinda glad they had this, because it kept my leech on it, and now it’s bis for the rest of the patch, so gg. (the ones I replaced had less than desireable secondary stats)

there’s a strategy to using the creation catalyst, especially for classes that don’t necessarily need to run 4 set
and the non-set bonus pieces do have unique stat priority so something to keep in mind!

still officially in the club i guess :nerd_face:

OP I think you need to change your title to “people who’s dumb enough to not read club”


Sometime I truly believe that people are playing with their monitor off

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Checking in!

For whatever reason I just assumed it only changed things to tier gear soooo guess I got at least 4 more weeks to go before I have my full set :+1:

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Anyone else get a sick feeling in their gut when they see how terrible people are to each other on here?


Antros is one of I believe two ways to get upgradeable solo PvE gear, the other being sandworn relics.

I really don’t know how this problem could be alleviated. If Blizz put a pop up info window or a Q&A NPC, the people who are making “tier” bracers and belts would click it off without reading it, since they couldn’t check the tooltip to see if it would have a bonus or not. There’s only so much handholding they can do.

Having it create non-tier isn’t useless, since it shuffles stats and gives you a mog option.

Man, if only Blizzard had some sort of Test Realm open to the Public where players could go to test and learn about new features being added to the game

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If only they had also clarified exactly this in a dev post 4 days before it went live

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The secondaries change on them, so it might be beneficial if they’re better than the original items.

Every time you go to use the console, you get connected to ZM customer care who will zoom with you and actually control your PC to convert the correct item.


Why didn’t I think of that!

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but wont that be consider as botting? :thinking:

But still I’m betting that people will find ways to screw it up

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“The driver of the car that hit me is at fault after I blind folded myself and walked into traffic” - GD

The education system has severely failed these people.


This is insane.

The creation catalyst is awesome. It guarantees everyone can obtain 4 set. A lot of people feel it should have been in the game earlier.

But all these people complaining that they crafted the wrong thing and now want Blizzard to do something about it are just sad and dumb. Crafting the wrong thing is your own mistake. Doesn’t mean the system isn’t a really nice catchup/bad luck protection.

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This isn’t constructive nor does it follow community guidelines. Crafting the wrong thing happens when the digital media content is not properly emphasized visually. When there is a system change all limits should be front and center so that everyone can read them easily. This did not happen in the original blue post. It was casually placed at the end of a large cumbersome paragraph. With no emphasis.

Screens are exhausting. Expecting tired players who just grind currencies and chase RNG loot of borrowed power deserve at least instructions that emphasize key limitations on new and soon to be expired systems.


It literally shows you what will be created before you click it. Even without reading the blue post, anyone could see the those bracers don’t have set bonuses listed on the new item.

Yes, it shows a preview, but I put a piece in and it shows it’s part of a Mercurial set for DH. But after I click transform, I put my mouse over the item to see what I am actually getting the set text actually goes away along with the item’s stats. So I don’t complete the creation it’s still very unclear to me as a player if I am getting a tier set with power or if I am getting a 7-day cooldown on transmog. It’s a very misleading system altogether and not all PVP gear for example works in this borrowed power machine. SO it leaves me as a player confused and I haven’t even lost anything and feel for those that got duped into this confusing AF system.

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To all the folks having difficulty with the CC: Just give me your account info and passwords and I will take care of everything for you.

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Maybe you’re having a UI issue? All 3 that I did showed everything correct on the piece to be created.

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