Club for people that used Creation Catalyst on non-tier gear

It’s about as constructive as this conversation can get. Use your eyes, these are usually located in the front of your face, to look at what you’re crafting before you hit “confirm”.

The game even stops you with a big pop up and has you wait 5 seconds before you double confirm that; "Yes, I really do want to craft that piece you’ve shown me a preview of!.. twice. "

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I needed a good laugh. Thank you.

No jokes are needed because those would be the people who did thus with the catalyst without reading or viewing the item preview, blizz announcement, articles, and prior forum warnings even til now :laughing:

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Except they did explain and tell players about the tier and nontier slots in a forum post last week.

Forums are not just to go and cry over spilled milk.

I have been critical of Blizzard in the past (and i still am) but the problem isn’t Blizzards in this case. It is players refusing to read the information the creation catalyst gives them (no need to look up anything) and still blaming Blizzard for their own mistakes.

I guess they want a Blizzard employee to show up every time they go to the CC and hold their hand will giving them over simplified instructions on how to use it.

I get it. No one likes to look stupid but the fact is the people complaining are doubling down on making themselves look bad instead of acting like an adult, admitting they made a mistake and moving on (or at least politely asking Blizzard to fix their mistake).

I mean its bad enough that we now have two generations of…

2022 is 2505. People are this level of dumb and worse. This is what happens when the law of natural selection is prevented from doing its job for the past 40+ years.

I have been saying this for years.


There is a campaign quest line surrounding it, as well as a quest being available on the day of release to take you there

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Going to get my 2piece next week and 3/4 the week after if I get no drops in normal monday.

Joined the club first week it dropped, I didnt think it was a huge deal because I will catch up. I started getting people pointing it out, and now I see auto deny to groups in my future so I figured Ill open a ticket. See its an issue and here I am.

Well said…

I gotta say, with all the hatred and calling people dumb and ignorant for making the mistake of catalyzing the wrong item-- what would be the harm in letting players un-do this? There’s item restoration (even for items you have to type “DELETE”) and character restoration because people make mistakes and they’re not all always in the perfect state of mind to think deeply about a piece in 5 seconds before the confirm button is clickable.

Siding with Blizzard’s “We see lots of players making this mistake, we did nothing wrong and will not help them. It’s, like, super obvious. Don’t make mistakes.” is frustrating. I, too, am reminded why I don’t frequent the forums any more.

I repeat tho: what would be the harm in allowing players to un-do the set bonus they applied to an item, and use it on something else? Just too time consuming to program? How would it hurt any players’ feelings? Why does everyone here sound so proud of themselves for not making the mistake?

I will be able to start doing that next week to complete some transmog sets. Blizz needs to make that creation catalyst charge faster imo.

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i did one specifically for the mog.

People don’t understand, too, that WoW’s interface isn’t always perfectly clear. I assumed that the set bonus would appear after using the catalyst; sometimes text and stats DO take a moment to appear, especially with a new interface involving upgrading something. and I firmly believed that the WW Monk set included feet lol. Either way it would harm no one to give us a re-do. I’m totally fine with a week-long cooldown restriction to limit progression and make it fun, but with a single mistake you’re waiting a week to improve something for no reason other than “should’ve been more careful!!”

Could easily remove the item restoration and character restoration conveniences, and people would still be saying the exact same snarky stuff. “Shoulda been more careful!” like cmon

They will! It’s stuck at a week for now, and charges stack if you miss a week. But later on in (i assume) this patch, possibly the next patch, it’ll be much faster.

I know but that thing hasn’t gone any faster. Its still a 7 day wait and we don’t know when it will start having faster recharge. It isn’t clear when that will start happening. For transmog there is like 9x4 pieces to collect. If you aren’t raiding then all that transmog is coming through that machine.

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This feels like that bicycle meme where the person puts a stick in their front tire and then blames the bike.

Man y’all are something else in this forum. Still not understanding why, if many players run into an issue where they feel like something isn’t perfectly clear and could use improvements or an undo button, people side with blizzard and call players lazy and stupid. Get off your high horse m8

TBF maybe if the horse wasn’t so high it’d be able to realize what it was doing as it navigated through all the warning signs before committing to their bad decision?

The only warning sign for me, first of all, is that the text didn’t appear on the item for the set bonus, but I assumed this was a glitch. 5 seconds to think about it and click the button, and a week to wait because it wasn’t clear to me that the bonus only applies to specific items.

Either way, you’re quite literally siding with the person who I quoted, who is saying “This is the result of dumb people not d*ing and being able to reproduce” and I think y’all must be chronically online to be this rude to fellow players who just made a mistake and wanted to ask for a re-do. It’s really not that big of a deal. We’re not literally crying and weeping at the mistake, we’re asking for help and getting rotten oranges thrown at us while players call us dumb.

It would be super nice for Blizz to offer an un-do button for players that made this mistake, would it not?? I’m sorry but you have to be an actual troll if you don’t think so? This would harm NO ONE.

Edit: like, this is a perfect example of that “small indie company” joke because I guarantee a lot of players’ response to this request would be “blizz shouldn’t have to spend the dev time to fix your stupid mistakes!!” as if they really are a tiny team of indie devs with very little money to spare. If it takes that much time and developer energy to change an item in the game, I don’t even know how the PTR ever existed, cuz it used to have all kinds of ways to change items and very quickly do so.

It’s just weird that this is the issue, and it’s peddled as a design issue. Why would you assume it was a glitch? Why would you go through with it if you weren’t confident in what you were getting?

This thing’s been out for a month. There’s so much information about it in game and out. You could’ve asked someone if you weren’t really sure. But it has layers of confirmation.

I suppose they could add more layers of checks and balances to it somehow. “Are you REALLY sure?” “Final answer?”… But that would grow tedious.

I’m not a huge fan of having to look outside the game for in-game information, but this isn’t one of those situations where you have to. You made an assumption and it didn’t pay off. Now you have a cool new xmog. Better luck next week.

I suppose they could add an undo button or something to add a layer of protection for people’s assumptions, sure. But have some accountability for your own mistakes. This was 100% on you for how it went down, and all you’re losing is a week with one less tier piece and you’re gaining a new xmog piece.


P.S: I responded the way I did because I hate Karens.