"Cloth", "Leather", "Mail" and "Plate" Categories Should Be Retired

you do realize they all resemble each other, regardless of type of armor? blizzard has gotten so lazy, not only did they remove tier sets for classes but even class specific gear- appearance wise. each raid now has like one look, regardless of what class you play or armor you wear.


That’s now what I said in the OP. Guys, read the OP!


We both understand each other/ what we’re trying to say. But to be COMPLETELY accurate, how the ARMOR works isn’t specifically a class thing. Just an armor thing.

I think Blizz’ overall goal came from whining raiders and how everyone expects to be the “top DPS.” So the Mage “big spell” has to do roughly the same damage as the “Warrior Mortal Strike.”

One is magic, one is physical, but on the meter, both are doing comparable DPS. Blizz has been almost FORCED to do this, otherwise everyone blames the Warrior for sucking and everyone rolls a Mage.

There is at least some reason for why Blizz did what they did. But it’s was a cheap solution that ended up making the game worse in the long run.

I think things like this are why so many people have lost favor with Blizz. The premier gaming company should be able to create GREAT solutions to problems like this. Instead, they made their game objectively WORSE.


You need another fel themed warlock tmog? 10 not enough? I’d rather have zone themed armor any day.

I dont know, I was pretty hardcore in WOTLK and before and I never saw any of the stuff they removed as a problem, some of it actually simplified the game for those looking to get better like reforging. We were also never hurting for players back then either.

The only complexity this game now has to offer is in the form increased multipliers and a few extra mechanics thrown in (mythic raids/mythic affixes).

The armor thing though, yeah I dont think its a good idea. Maybe they should look more like their namesakes but to just get rid of it is silly.

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It would be an interesting mechanic.

Commonly in RPGs the weight of the stuff you carry(on yourself and in your pockets/bags) is strongly related to the physical strength of your class/character. If it means more customization, RPG flavor and better gear design, You have my vote.

show me where i specifically complained for you to get your panties in a bunch…

Sorry for the double post but the game is simple, it really is, compared to any other RPG out there, the only thing WoW has in increased difficulties are merely number based along with one or two mechanics but as far as the comparison for customization offered, there are little if any at all. Like the removal of glyphs, just to name one.

I understand the point of fishing for new players, no game thrives without those but yet, D&D has a huge monstrous playerbase and has so many rules and stuff that makes you wonder if a professor in physics would even be able to play with the most complicated rules.

WoW always has been it’s own thing and for that Blizzard has my respect, instead of trying to be the next generic element, it expands on it’s own territory, that’s a great thing!

Yet, we had lost much along the years, things that the players back then had no issue with, like talent trees, several stats forms(like natural racial stats besides the character stats). For some reason, WoW decided it didn’t want to be unique anymore and started to homogenize all the work they put into class design, it’s sad to see how much we had in comparison to what we have now.

All in all, if anything, more options would be an addition to what we currently have instead of keep removing the uniqueness the game has to offer.

WoW has never really offered much or been about customization. It has always been fairly casual. But that doesn’t make it easy. It’s frankly shocking how many players don’t know basic raid, class, encounter or pvp mechanics.

That includes things like gearing and rotations. I picked up roughly 260 dps overall and was able to get over 30k p3 dps spending an hour or simming myself my M Jaina. Switching some gems, enchants, and gear pieces was a noticeable improvement caused by switching from human to undead for the encounter. Most people don’t want to sim or read guides/ class discords at all, let alone sim for one fight, or one phase of a fight.

The loss of all the elements really came when the game got more serious. Ilvl in wrath started it for me. Accurate dmg meters, logs, and io continue it. There is always a bis slot and once it became easy to find and duplicate much of the talents, armor, glyphs, etc became irrelevant.

Same with tier sets or breakpoints with hit and expertise. You either had them and your class was balanced or you didn’t and your were garbage. There came a point where they just start removing RP or other elements because were tedious.

I agree they have gone too far, but even now, with some of the best overall balance we’ve ever had, there is still noticeable difference between specs and classes. Bringing back all the RP elements will make that worse and that is where blizzard is struggling. To find the balance between RPG and competitive balanced game. We don’t make it easier either, because none of us agree on what we want and half the time Ion is right, we think we want things, but we really dont.

Transmog is the real endgame

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If Dps was so lopsided like it was back in the early days, then most classes will only have one solid spec.

Ultimately, I think the biggest issue is: DPS meters.

It helps to know who’s great, who’s “good enough”, and who’s slacking. But it has taken the inherent FUN away from the game. It has diminished what it means to have true UTILITY. Because the class that pulls only 80% DPS of #1, but provides a valuable utility is first and foremost going to be called out because of their low DPS. That’s just a fact.

The only exceptions are in the extremes. Like when certain classes in Vanilla actually stayed so far back as to be out of combat so they could battle-rez people. So they had useless healing/dps, but a utility so valuable it didn’t matter. That’s not good for the game either and we wisely moved away from that.

But what did we move IN to? This lump of “everyone gets a MS debuff”, everyone does the same DPS or no one will roll that class.

Again, I accept it’s a complicated issue. I just disagree that the solution is this watered-down excuse that we currently have. And I blame MOST of that on meters.

Think of how vague “being a good tank” is quantified. I wish “good DPS” was done the same way instead of hawking the stupid meters.

If you do anything challenging, it is. The only time literally only the DPS meters matters, is when you are doing trivial content.

As soon as you do something challenging (high m+ or high difficulty raiding), then the importance of DPS meters drastically decreases.

Well then I thank you for making that a general statement, instead of the GD-norm and accusing me of my lack of such content.

And while you say the importance “decreases drastically”, I have to take that at face value since I’m just a dirty casual. But I USED to be a hardcore raider and so… that just seems hard to believe. If the tank were (effectively) alive, and the boss didn’t die… it’s blamed on a lack of DPS.

I mean, even the discussions here devolve into that. Even when the differences between top DPS positions were like a ridiculously trivial 2-3%, people were STILL zitching that their class wasn’t #1!!!

That is what I’m talking about when it comes to Blizz trying to balance things. You have a section of people that were probably RANKED #5, but were only 2% off #1 … and almost certainly rerolled their main just to be #1.

This is the main issue as I see it.

First of all, being a “dirty casual” has nothing to do with anything. You can participate in mythic raiding and high end m+ while playing casually. You don’t have to be “hardcore” about it.

But thanks for clarifying you are talking so confidently about an aspect of the game you don’t participate in. :man_shrugging:

If you have Person A who participates in a certain aspect of the game saying one thing, and Person B who doesn’t participate in it saying something else…I feel like the one that should be met with skepticism is Person B.

Maybe. But not always.

You’re wanting to compare a layman on the street discussing matters with a group of Electrical Engineers. By all means, ignore the layman.

But the gaming concepts were talking could be discussed and understood even if you weren’t DIRECTLY doing them. I have a hardcore background, even if was “only” in raiding and not in M+.

How all of that evolved isn’t material. The focus on meters is. Because even though I don’t raid, I can still READ. You at least admit the wonderful elite DISCUSS things with the written word, yes?

If you are trying to push mythic raiding or higher m+, and your main focus is topping the DPS meters, you are in for a rude awakening.

Mechanics, interrupts, stuns, etc. All have a very high importance in challenging content. If you are a good player, the DPS comes. If you only care about DPS, you will be chewed up and spit out.

You don’t DPS when you are dead, due to failing mechanics, not interrupting, not playing well. DPS meter rankings should be the last thing on the mind of people progressing.

Its extremely rare that the only focus is your DPS meter ranking. And that shows up the most in farm/trivial content.

Ok, you know what I would compare this to? Early BC Heroics.

They were BEYOND brutal. They required SOOOOOO many forms of interrupts and CC that if you didn’t have them, nothing else mattered.

It was so bad that, thankfully, I was MT for our guild and so I had it easy, my job was clear-cut as a tank. But DPS Warriors??? UTTERLY useless. Warriors then (AND STILL NOW!!!) have no form of CC. In BC Heroics, Warriors brought ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to the table. DPS didn’t matter, you needed CC.

So on this point, I understand.

What they could do is have an item and it’s look changes depending on what class you are. Each item would have 11 different looks depending on which class was wearing it. Each item would be more like tier sets in that they have a unique look for each class. And it could have stats like some heirlooms with either intellect, strength or agility showing up depending on which stat is that classes main stat.

I definitely would not mind them doing away with armor categories. I’ve been wanting to make a Valeera Sanguinar look but she wears mostly cloth and she’s a rogue which wears leather. And I am talking her bada$$ Heroes of the Storm look and not the terrible in-game look.

I sort of agree.

I don’t think we should all remove armor types. This is (supposed to be) a rpg after all.

But I do think it will do the game justice if we renamed them. We can get rid of mail since 99% of the armor sets are trash

Cloth could be Light Armor
Leather- Medium Armor
And plate -heavier than meduim Armor