Cleansed Items Cannot Be Re-Corrupted?

I’m lucky I have some nice mythic raid gear that’s uncorrupted so guess I’m lucky

That’s because you’re a warlock. Since I want mastery/versatility, I get mostly crit haste gear.

Total rush job. Small indie company.

You know - I had been thinking about this too. Hilariously, one group of people who do high end content aren’t really impacted in a negative way whatsoever. That’s the mythic raiders, which means if you mythic raid, you can toss corruptions on there no problem now. Similar with heroic raiders.

However, I am going to play devil’s advocate and remind people that this is a technical limitation that Blizz is looking to make no longer a problem.

Guys this not a design decision. It is a coding issue. An issue I am sure they are looking into. But complaining about it like it is a choice they made does no good.

Tldr: not a design choice, it is a coding issue. Complain appropriatly

It’s not a big deal. We are all just tired of listening to the endless complaints.

You complain that they are “rushing” out a fix.

If they said “we are waiting on releasing the vendor till we fix this issue” you would complain too.


The amount of ignorance and stupidity in this thread is outstanding.

I do have the same problem as the OP, M+ Weekly cache being my main source of high ilvl gear, means none of it will be eligible to be re-corrupted. So I will only be able to manually corrupt 465 gear from M+ runs instead of 475 weekly cache gear… not cool.

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Do the raid. If you can do a +15 you can do the raid. There is a group finder right there to join a group don’t even need a guild.

The vendor will be useful to many people for its stated purpose.

I guess relying on m+ for 475 gear instead of mythic raiding means it will be harder for you to get BIS gear? Only issue is self limitation.

I am fine with that.

It was a non-issue until now. I don’t have the time nor patience to sit through mythic raiding to hope for a piece that I might not necessarily need but I must have so I can slap corruption on it. I’ll just have to save echoes until they fix the coding or whatever the issue is with re-corrupting cleansed gear.

Recleansed should cost triple the currency.

Some weird thing on the code side of things, I assume.

Dunno what broke, but hope it gets fixed. Most of my 475s are or were corrupted.

It was a design choice to roll this out with this technical issue that was probably going to be unfixable.

They built it around this problem code. They can’t just fix it without completely rebuilding it from the bottom up.

It will not be fixed.

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Sure, it obviously sucks that we can’t re-corrupt our BiS items that happened to have come with a trash Corruption 2 months ago. BUT, for now, we’re just being allowed to farm out the currencies, and the Corruption store is still being worked on. Pretty sure the process will be a bit more streamlined by the time everything is done.

No doubt by the time the prepatch comes you’ll have enough currency to buy whatever corruptions you want.

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They probably want to apply a different corruption, but since corruptions were never originally designed to be replaceable, that’s not something Blizzard can whip together in a week. It might have to wait for another major patch and there are no more major patches this expansion. (Although others on this thread suggest they’re working on it so I may be too pessimistic here.)

Blizzard’s notion? Bwahaha. Blizzard would be just fine with “make do with what you get”, it’s how most of their systems are designed to work. It’s the players who insist that their lives are ruined if they don’t have BIS everything, not just by the end of the expansion, but before the second week of raiding.

Nothing to assume.

When they announced the vendor change, they addressed this and clearly said that would not be possible.

100% this.

They really need to make it so un-corrupted gear drops in the weekly cache then. And the weekly cache should drop significantly more Echoes so we can corrupt them.

This kind of stuff is what happens when you have only a skeleton crew working on what are actually pretty sizable changes to a live patch. I have 4 pieces on my DK that will not take corruption now and nothing to replace them with. I guess I will just haft to try and recollect my rings, pants and gloves.

Honestly this is kind of what it feels like when a game like Borderlands gets a level increase. legit next to no extra power and you need to now go and re collect all your existing gear XD

It isn’t intended. You are supposed to be able to re-corrupt gear its just not working. For some odd reason once the gear has been modified prior to the recent hotfixes the gear will not let itself be modified by corruption.

So has this been hotfixed yet?