Cleansed Items Cannot Be Re-Corrupted?

You may not have been capable of handling it at the present time, but it was still enough of an upgrade to warrant equipping, corruption or not, and cleaned it as such.
Then if you pushed your cloak corruption high enough, it could’ve become a non-issue.

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I mean I think it’s a technical issue, hopefully they’ll have it sorted.

Most of my gear was corrupted but hey M+s aren’t too bad at giving gear so might corrupt some of that.

Do mythic raid you should be able to beat at least the first 3 bosses in group finder very easily. All that place drops is tons of 475’s with no corruption.

But if you get a non-corrupted BoE and then add a corruption yourself and sell it, that’s okay?

If we’re guiding by this then the cap would be 465, since “corrupted” items you would get from you weekly chest would be 475 cleansing them is basically game over if the system stays this way.

This is kinda mostly a buff towards mythic raiders looks like that can get normal non corrupted 475 sometimes.

Corrupting an item might bind it to you.


Yeah, just meaning that they’re easy to come by and corrupted our 460s gear until they fix the technical issue.

What I gathered from the post was that this was a bug, and they are actively trying to fix it, but didn’t want to delay the whole system because of it. So…calm down, I guess.

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I guess it kind of depends, if you can add the corruption to the Azerite slots? I’ve got none of those from a vision, which were corrupted? Can they corrupt? I also hear a Weapon can corrupt? So if anything I’d do 15 K twilight devastation on a weapon?

It wasn’t “couldn’t handle”, rather that the corruption was “lame, dumb etc. for your spec/thing/class.” Let me give you an example!

I have 445 gloves, with twilight dev 2 (whatever, I think 2?)
The next horrific, I get 455 gloves, which are otherwise BETTER even without the higher ilevel EXCEPT for the twilight dev. 2. But they have something stupid, like more mastery or something. So IDEALLY, I’d cleanse them and put twilight dev 3/whatever on them, replacing the 445 ones.

This is not true. Down the road you will be able too.

Due to a technical limitation, items that have been cleansed cannot be re-corrupted. We are looking into whether it will be possible to fix this, but we don’t want to hold up the whole system in the meantime.

Sounds more like a coding limitation, which may or may not be fixable. Think of it like the legendary cloak, and the gripe from engineers that they couldn’t attach their gliding kit – the reason is that the gliding kit shares the same ID space as one of the cloak abilities.

If the re-corruption shares the same ID space as the cleansing effect/flag (for example) then this would be a coding limitation that cannot be fixed unless they recode the item itself with a different ID that doesn’t occupy that same space. And then they’d have to recode all such objects, and then patch them to the client. Something like that might be deemed “too much work” and the end result is players can’t re-corrupt an item.

I wonder if throwing a cleansed item into void storage might work since that technically destroys the item and then recreates it when you pull it out.

he means that for people that rely on weekly cache for the 475 piece, they are screwed out of applying corruption to their highest level item, since blizzard started due to technical issues, corruption cant be reapplied to cleansed item. So if you got 475 with unwanted corruption, tough luck, you cant cleanse it and reapply with a good corruption. That item basically remains useless

It would be worth trying. But its status as “corrupted” could be as intrinsic to the item as its item level once it drops. So it probably won’t make a difference to whatever issue is causing this.

It will be a full 180 - folks crossing their fingers for clean items so they can apply the corruption they want instead of hoping for the corruption they want to drop on the item. ><

Bliz’ whole notion of every toon needing to be able to acquire everything their hearts desire before the next xpac needs some rethinking. Sometimes you just have to do without & accept it imo.

No it wasn’t. I’m glad that it’s gone. Just because they removed an RNG aspect of gearing and added an even worse one to replace it does not mean titanforging was working just fine.

The real solution was to get rid of both like they are doing in shadowlands.

The consistency and level of whining that you people do about

literally anything that Blizzard does

is astounding to me.

Absolutely astounding. :neutral_face:

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It’s a “technical issue” that should have prevented the program from going live.

They developed a vendor that will be useful for practically no one for its stated purpose. And you whine about OTHER people? Absolutely astounding the entitlement of forum trolls.

It’s almost as though they designed it like so many other “We listened and gave you what you wanted!” features of this expansion, where it wasn’t even close to what was asked for.

And besides, “We gave you a vendor. We know it’s bugged. But it’s a vendor, you should be suitably grateful we gave you some that was even a little bit like what you wanted”… Seriously.

So in other words you have to buy that same corruption twice - once on a throwaway item and once if you actually get an uncorrupted piece that’s high enough ilvl. It sounds like it was designed to make people grind more.

What? There are multiple sources of gear at 460+ IL that will more often than not simply come uncorrupted. The only stinkers are the random pieces of gear from weekly boxes, but most of the gear from visions and such are unusable for me anyway because haste/vers is a meme for every single cloth spec in the game yet half the vision loot table consists of it.

I can’t believe people think its “OK” that you possibly cannot recorrupt an item.

A very real scenario for a large amount of players is they have good items worthy of putting good/best corruptions on, but they have, or had bad corruptions on it. Adding a vendor without the ability to make the items they’ve earned worthwhile seems like a very half baked solution. The solution should not be “GO GRIND MORE MYTHIC KEYS” or get some blank corrupted raid items (raid items seem more likely to corrupt than mythic+). If this stays this way people will want the option to DISABLE the automatic corruption from the mythic chest and vision chests. I sure as hell don’t want a item I can’t potentially put what I want on it.

The original OP’s comment/concern is perfectly valid. I have items that have the stats I want. Let me corrupt them how I want. If not your still up to good OL RNG to run keys/raids for that one item you want but now it also has to be uncorrupted. There’s literally multiple layers of rng fighting against you just to get what you already have. I don’t think it should be acceptable for blizzard to NOT implement a method for us to corrupt our items again, and after reading this thread the only people that don’t think its a big deal are players with bad gear and low time investment in their profile character.

Again, before some clever person points out that Blizzard said they are working on it. I’m aware, but I’m a little troubled reading that casual players don’t think its a big deal. Its a very large deal to people that commit way more time than you.