Classic+/Updated Classic/WoW Remastered - Whatever you want to call it

These are the classic forums for the people who are here for a certain version of the game (know your audience) and the OP had a bad/nasty attitude with all replies.

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The initial post even before he edited to make it worse was an angry mess.
But yeah a reading of the room would have helped.

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Basically no other version of WoW has the replay value or the fan base that “Vanilla” does. No meaningful number of people want to play Battle for Azeroth again, but there is a huge community of people who want to play “Vanilla WoW” basically forever. You basically have this game option because of them. Also, obligatory nod to the “wall of no” and some last laughs on that topic.

Classic Era should not progress into Classic+. For every person asking for Classic+ I bet there are at least half a dozen who would quit if this much change was brought to Era.

The big issue with the Classic+ ask from players is that it isn’t a coherent idea at all. Mostly it is just people wanting stuff tacked onto the game that they think would be cool for “reasons”. New content and class updates might be pretty cool, but the odds are just as good that people will regret it almost right away if the changes are too much or the gear is too good.


If you added every classic + suggestion that people in these threads ask for you’d end up with Wrath which people don’t seem to want to play. So the question is which of these ideas do the classic team like personally


Further than that since people keep suggesting transmog, updated character models, token, etc.


DF lacks the soul of classic. The rpg elements are incredibly strong, and there’s a large group of players who seek such an experience but don’t want to keep playing the same exact content they played in the past. Nostlagia aside, the age of old content is incredibly evident, and when you ignore the players who would prefer modernized updates (that don’t have to follow the exact same patterns as retail), you’re effectively gatekeeping a video game.

But here’s the thing: classic era servers still exist and would continue to. Classic+ would branch off and become its own vision, and people do want that. What I fail to understand is why so many are against the mere idea of continuing a legacy of a great game. If you’re worried modern blizz would do it poorly, as long as the base game remains, the most anyone has to lose is a bit of hope for the future.

So Era exists alongside C+.

What if many of the Era players would like to enjoy a bit of additional content with their Era character or characters? We gonna ask for the cloning thing again? Everyone must start over again on the C+ realms further fracturing the playerbase?

I’ve more questions but they’re not necessarily for you or expected that you answer. People are still going to feel differently and there’d still be no consensus. There’s content I feel would be appropriate and a way to implement that but everyone that feels invested in this type of project has their own differing ideas. That’s fine and the dream boarding will continue. But they ultimately made very few substantial changes to release the hardcore servers and now I want them to attempt to create then release novel content?
That might be somewhat unrealistic.

I honestly just think it’s a bad use of company resources. I think blizzard could make more shareholder value by putting any significant amount of resources into retail. Fresh barely changed seasonal servers would capture almost all of the interested player population and cata should be an easy turn around cash in.

They may be waiting to see if they can milk Cataclysm Classic. Also the most anticipated patch for WotLK will be coming soon. After WotLK, you’re right, they need to consider the future of classic and plan for classic+. Not just Season of Mastery. SoM has been a nothing burger… basically just fresh start with some minor changes. Classic+ would be more than a fresh start, but it should revolve largely around vanilla.

Honestly, I’d be fine with Classic Plus just being the current WOW Classic with updated graphics and character models.


With Classic+ being its own server type and game mode separate from Classic Era/Classic SoM, yeah go for broke and add whatever.

The sense that current Blizzard cannot pull off a Classic+ that would be as good is justified. For around a decade now Blizzard has been putting out expansions that don’t stick and are pretty lame compared to what they were once capable of making.


The notion that any person who plays this game truly believes that the WoW dev team is the least bit capable of iterating on a Classic+ in a way that adds new horizontal content to the game and captures “the soul of Classic” is stupidity on a really breathtaking level.

And that’s not to say the WoW devs couldn’t just make new content for Classic and slap it up there. But to think that anything they came up with would capture the spirit, attitude, and ethos of a group of pioneer developers from 20+ years ago is about the most absurd thing I can imagine.

That’s like telling the guys from Weezer to create a sequel album to Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band that captures the spirit, atttude, and ethos of The Beatles at their peak. Nobody is going to be happy with what comes from that.


Dear diary,
I doom-posted again.

Sincerely, Derka

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All true. But I wouldnt mind seeing Weezer making an attempt anyhow. They really did a good job with Take On Me from A-ha.

What if, now hear me out, we just took the cata versions of the unfinished classic content and scaled them down to 60 and stapled them on? You wanna do your binding runs for your guild lead then pop on over to see Harrison Jones?

But it really doesn’t matter, you just have an opinion and that all it is. You can’t generalize what people want because you or I don’t know what every person likes.

I have no idea what you are trying to articulate in your first sentence but it doesn’t matter as well.

Blizz 100% has the resources and budget to meet such demands. The only issue is Bobby remains at the helm, so wishful thinking is all we have.

You can’t generalize what people want because you or I don’t know what every person likes.

You know how some things are a tautology? Automatically true? This is the opposite of that. It proves itself wrong, right out the gate.

The whole idea of a generalization is to ignore the specifics and just glean the largest trends. That’s literally its primary use.

I also find it astonishing that you can know something doesn’t matter without knowing what it means. That would be a very useful skill.

Insane that people would rather play the rehashed, lazy content over something innovative.

I suppose it would be a little strange, just like people constantly needing something new is strange to me. I think maturity has something to do with it; you eventually grow out of the childhood fascination with new concepts and find plenty of joy in the running in old grooves.

I certainly wouldn’t object to something new, and I’m on waiting lists for things that may eventually appear cough Pantheon cough but in the meanwhile I’m still playing Super Nintendo games. In the end I’ll be happy to help you advocate for your shiny new toy, as you helped me to get my old beat up one back.