I want it, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who wants it.
Why has Blizzard not gone ahead and done this yet especially with how popular Hardcore has become. Releasing an updated world with Hardcore just makes more sense to drive the hype train into the station. I am not saying we should ONLY release updated servers with WoW hardcore, im sure there is still a lot of people who would appreciate the nostalgia servers. (Let me put this here, because many of you Classic Only dummies don’t have the reading comprehension to understand this last sentence. This last sentence means; NO ONE WANTS TO TAKE YOUR OLD CLASSIC SERVERS FROM YOU, WE JUST WANT THE OPTION TO PLAY ON UPDATED CLASSIC SERVERS INCLUDING HARDCORE)
The entire world of Azeroth in classic era would be remissed if it didn’t get the graphic upgrades that retail has gotten over the years. Models, animations, gear and world textures are almost if not all done for the original map. And whats left can very much be added in with little effort (comparatively to the rest of WoW Retail) to the game to complete the transformation many of us would love to see. This in itself would be enough to repackage WoW into something different and would get many people interested.
But for a more advanced relaunch and in no particular order of importance…
Take the time to update some systems in classic WoW that could very much be better;
- I personally would love to see the new crafting system from Dragonflight being put into classic WoW. This is a stretch, as it would require some serious time to convert everything over, to the dragonflight mechanic so I just won’t hold my breath on this one.
- PvP honor systems, why not update this to something more modern that makes more sense?
- LFR/G for me personally I feel like these systems took away from the social aspect of the game that many of us old heads used to take for granted, especially on PvP servers it added a bit of extra danger to the dungeon experience that you and your friends had to overcome(usually consisted of a brawl outside the dungeon, which IMO is super fun). I however can’t argue at how useful they are. I feel like there is a middle ground here somewhere, and even the LFG/R system on retail needs to be refined and until that system gets an overhaul on retail we should hold off on stuffing it into a classic+ version.
- Quests don’t need an overhaul, but they need an update. Some quests flat out do not make sense to complete for a time/XP rate and some quests do not make sense to complete just for the weird stat gear that it offers. (which I understand is part of Classic’s charm, but lets be real here…) The classic quests need to be ran through with a fine tooth comb to weed out bad quests and quest rewards. Let’s not get this confused with streamlining everything to where 1 person with little to no gaming coordination can solo “group” quests like in retail or you just power through everything with aoe, nobody wants that homogenized leveling experience from retail that relies on cut scenes and story telling to make linear gameplay interesting. Bring the difficulty!
- Dungeons and Raids: Don’t touch the bosses, the mobs, or the shape of the dungeons/raid! Maybe give each boss an extra ability to keep things fresh, some extra health. We don’t need to completely change the dungeon, just need to sprinkle some difficulty into it keep things fresh.
- Class balance; let the multi role classes play! I think part of this would be complete tree and class reworks for a few of classes and some tweaking for others, but IMO it would be well worth it for a Classic+ new experience.
Doing this for a new type of “classic” experience can extend into Outland and Northrend as well, where each iteration of the game can come with it own system, dungeon and gameplay upgrades and potentially keep and attract new and old WoW players.
Good ideas for a seasonal server. Do not touch Era.
No to the seasonal trash and no to any of retail’s content (TBC onwards). Classic Era Phase 7 pls and thx
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I just don’t see Blizzard/Microsoft putting that much dev time into revamping the game.
There are three big issues with Classic+ as a concept:
1 - Nobody agrees on what it means. Take for example you like the new models and animations and I can’t stand em, especially Tauren.
2 - Usually the ideas are around cherry picking good things from various expansions of WoW.
The people who seem most keen to have class revamps insist on playing meme and PVP specs in raids and wanting to actually do good alongside the players choosing optimal specs. This is non-trivial to balance and probably not even possible without reducing classes to Tank, DPS and Healer.
3 - I have a hard time imagining Microsoft Acti-Blizzard hiring a team and devoting that much dev time to a hodge lodge wishlist version of WoW. Maybe they will at some point.
One thing though is that they know they can serve Classic as-is for a long time and get subs because it has way more play through value than later versions of the game.
Thing is, ‘Classic as-is’ is already changing. It isn’t a #NoChanges safety bunker and never was a #NoChanges safety bunker.
Sorry OP.
Your vision? DO NOT WANT.
Fairly simple reason. They know that they and the community cant agree on any kind of changes that would be net positive gains over existing Classic Era.
As for class re-balancing… The only thing they might consider touching is to make rage a static gain rather than scale with gear. Reason is warrior plays like crap at low gear levels, and at high gear levels you don’t need to think about resource management any more.
Your complaint about classes has less to do with the classes than there is no realistic gear for many builds. Also gear past item level 65 is OP AF and needs its item level cut down to 65 or less.
We’ll see about how 1.14.4 shakes out.
If it’s too much Blizzard can further gauge how much more they can push.
Blizzard is already changing up the PVP ranking to be more like a long personal rep grind.
The rest of your list reads like Cata 2.0 in a way with things like changing quests and the graphics.
Classic Era is one of the few WoW iterations where professions actually do matter and the Dragonflight crafting has gotten mixed reviews.
As for the raid bosses with another mechanic and increased health that was a SoM thing already.
I can see that those ideas would make things more fun for you OP but a lot of that would both be quite a bit of work and controversial. Maybe some of it for a season but although some may enjoy that more others will find it makes them enjoy it less.
People are so adverse to change its astonishing. No one is suggesting to take your precious era servers and old graphics away.
What im suggesting is a new kind of server hosting these changes, and the main point of this was to push forward the new animations models and re-textured world.
The listed suggestions are just to improve on the old world where it is lacking in QoL and more challenging content are just a suggestion at most.
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The new models look insanely bad dude.
Part of the reason classic looks good is cause you don’t look like an anime dragon ball z character like every other game
So… you want to look like low res anime dragonball z characters with triangle faces? Because they’re literally the same, just the old models have less poly count and muddled textures…
and like I said no one wants to take away your old models and textures, i just want the option to play on a new looking world with updated aesthetic but have the world be classic WoW instead of retail.
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I would like classic+, but half your changes are cringe.
The only way a classic+ would work is if the devs themselves proposed the changes, and gave us polls to approve or deny OSRS style. Community driven stuff won’t work in a classic+ the way it worked for the hardcore community. There’s just too many opinions on what classic+ even means.
Terrible suggestions…my god these are bad.
OP I don’t agree with 90% of your list. I just want new raids/dungeons in azeroth.
do NOT change the graphics.
I think the debuff limit should be removed for bosses as this was a technical limitation at the time.
Also consider changing the crit/ X% items to the crit rating system used later on as that would help to balance newer and future items.
the main thing people want out of a “classic+” I believe is just the knowledge that the game doesn’t end at naxx. Even if it’s just newer raids every 6 months or something, doesn’t have to be amazingly complex. definately shouldn’t be world ending threat.
Maybe a raid with the desert trolls in tanaris.
maybe a gnoll raid
maybe a scarlett crusade raid or a raid on a new defias stronghold. stuff that fits in the lore of classic. stuff that isn’t world ending, that maybe actual adventurers would explore.
that’s how I see it at least
They’re not even close bro.
Humans don’t even run like humans in retail. They run like mutants. Everything about those models are bad
Hard pass
How would the do the polls? Forums? In game? Do you have to have a 60 on era? Do they limit it to play time requirement?
I’m not sure how OSRS does it so I’m asking.
That is where I stop you… The Art style of Vanilla to MoP is not Japanese Anime at all what so ever.
Its a mix of the Art style of WH40K and WH AoS.
Wow character models are low res, but the quality of appearance for the system requirement is outstanding.
Wow running animation (excluding male UD) have always been kinda bad, but the WoD update was just diagusting… its like they copy pasted Panda / Male Draeni running animations to all the characters.
Also something about the postures and stuff is just messed up bad in retail… I am no pro artist, but its disturbing.
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Most female models run decent but the classic male run is still kinda derpy but not as Garbo as retail run. Male draeni is the worst of everything
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