I appreciate this response, minus the maturity remark, but the rest is very solid. I’ve always been an advocate of whatever makes the most people happy, even if it’s niche. Even cata classic, something I have 0 interest in, is something people want, and I would love to see it come as long as something exists to preserve classic realms.
The sad part about all classic content now is that it’s incredibly gatekept and lacks a lot of QoL, which really deters a lot of new players. You can see the massive upward trend in classic interest now with hardcore, and those are the things I would like to see continue to be implemented because they bring a fresh and new value to all the otherwise “old and forgotten” assets the game has.
classic was never no changes. layering and the lack of gms to remove bots killed the economy from day1
They had an army of in-game GMs in the old days and it was gold selling ads and bot farmers everywhere making Trade chat unusuable for the most part.
You’re statement makes no sense. You or I do not have access to polling data, you have absolutely no idea what your talking about.
Sure we can look at a small sample of opinions from forums and other channels of communication but that vast majority of opinions Blizzard gather are through polls that they normally e-mail.
I’ve received many over the years, we do not have access to that data.
You completely miss the point and as a professional who is literally paid as a part of my role to analyze data I can once again state that nobody here truly knows what players want in aggregate.
That doesn’t mean what people say here is wrong but it also doesn’t mean it is completely right either. People make statements as if they are speaking for the entire community and this is what I’m referring to.
When you have to result to attacking a person’s statement to this level you already lost the argument.
We all make assessments daily and to get along just fine. It isn’t rocket science. The trick is to take all the obvious precautions.
Pedentry is a loser’s argument.
Did it? Really?
The only thing that happened from that list for this Season was “class changes”. Something was always going to change for a season.
Throwing half a dozen darts at a board and hitting with one isn’t really necro worthy.
Meh, I’m not wasting time doing an analysis of this thread that is for sure. This thread if full of opinions. I just saw the response from months ago and thought it was ridiculous and hilarious at the same time. Have a great day