for classic??!?!! for classic!?!??!
that’s nice but we all know there’s this thing called limited dev time, and I don’t want it spent on your ideas
for classic??!?!! for classic!?!??!
that’s nice but we all know there’s this thing called limited dev time, and I don’t want it spent on your ideas
1 - Blizzard will have to define what it means, its just speculation what it means at this point. Case in point, Blizzard’s version of Hardcore. Its fine you don’t like the models, I don’t want to take away the true classic experience from anyone.
2 - It’s cherry picking because these systems already exist and dev time on making something to fit classic is cut down exponentially if the system already exists.
Im not looking for class revamps, as much as making something like most healing classes being useful outside of healing at end game raids/dungeons. Which would probably take more resources than blizz would want to give.
3 - Classic WoW is doing well(for now), but why? Hardcore has put a resurgence into era and Classic WoW is currently in arguably the best era of WoW that has ever been.
What happens next though? How many people are willing to replay through cataclysm? How many people want to try out the beginning of the fall of WoW, when retail for all purposes is starting to look up.
(based off retention numbers, I think blizz really needs to put the effort into one more expac, before numbers come back and players trust the direction of the game again)
And is classic really have that much replayable content? After your first max level, you can get power leveled by friends to get a new fresh max level and replay all the same dungeons and raids to gear out a 2nd/3rd/4th toon… JUST like retail, except you don’t need your friend to power level you, you can do that solo now.
You could argue the fact that you can level up one of each race, for both sides… but after that first alliance/horde experience, its pretty much the same save for the starting zones, but you’re done those after level 10 if you’re following optimal XP routes. And even then retail has more races, more zones you can level through for unique experiences via chromie timewalking, more dungeons with scaling difficulty, more raids to do…
it’s just a matter of time for Classic, before the “current” content for it is bad and its abandoned. Then blizzard will have to keep finding gimics like Hardcore and Classic + to keep it alive.
Yes, for classic.
What do you mean dev time for classic? THERES NOTHING TO DEV! You are not playing anything new, what you are trying to defend has been done. years and years ago. The effort they’re putting into classic is 0, its a side project for people when they’re bored.
Johnny the Dev Guy one day will be sitting at his desk twiddling his thumbs thinking about asking Sally the Artist out, but afraid to because Blizz history. Then eventually he’ll just go and fix some simple bugs, and yall are happy.
How many years was Blizz saying, Classic can’t be done. As soon as they saw those private server numbers, OH BOY did they ever make it work with quickness. Classic is an after thought, you guys are on borrowed time, theres nothing to dev other than fixing minor bugs. Injecting something new(sorta) into it will save your version of the game(or at least keep classic servers open for a while longer)
My question is would be the point of Blizzard doing all this work to create a new game mode for people like-minded to you where it wouldn’t increase their profits at all? You’re going to sub regardless and this new game mode you explained isn’t loaded with microtransactions.
You can suggest what you want all day, but all the wall of name-calling to the people who love the Classic Era version of the game on a forum dedicated to the Classic Era version of the game isn’t really necessary.
Yes, I read through the comments again and get what could have bothered you. I’m not sure exactly what your expectations were though. Maybe you would have gotten a response more to your liking in the regular General Discussion area.
IMO if you’re mad just take a breather and come back later when you’ve calmed down enough to post in a less hostile way.
Blizzard doesn’t follow “lists of what we want”, but if they want to read your list it’s there. Others don’t have to agree with what you want.
Continued: Ok I read your two latest posts that were slightly nicer, to reply on a few other things:
Right, we know. We in the Classic community meme and stuff all the time about this.
I find it interesting that you think implementing your list and creating new servers for it would require “next to no dev time” especially when you know they don’t dedicate a ton of resources to Classic already. As if sliding in all of your suggestions will only take one dev 30 mins with no complications. That’s not the reality.
You don’t really know that and you don’t appear to be the target audience either.
Hardcore helped pick Classic Era back up but lots of people are playing on static almost 4-year-old Era servers with few changes regardless.
You’re right and I’m sure this is being discussed within the Classic team, which is why they are doing seasons etc. Lots of people want MoP again after Cata, and if you look at the Wrath forum people are hyping up Cata. I won’t be playing it but some will.
Again I think you can make any lists you want but if you post here you’re going to get feedback. I promise if I suggested the following things for “a new Retail server” with 1. Go back to Classic professions where you have to level from 1 to 850 2. Implement the full Vanilla PVP honor system 3. Remove RDF/LFR 4. Change quests to having to move across zones 5. Make one difficulty for all dungeons and raids 6. Take away class balance choices to be more like Vanilla… the reactions would have been the same on the General Discussion forum as what you got here.
It’s all about knowing who you’re talking to and understanding that differences in preferences are a thing, and there is no need to insult anyone for disagreeing. If I made that list and replied like “Oh you are a bunch of really stupid retail zoomers” that would be both really close-minded and would mean that I didn’t understand who I was talking to in the first place, and therefore I would be the one at fault, not the people I was speaking to.
AoS is a replacement for Warhammer Fantasy, it was just a rebrand and some lore.
Moreover, WH40k is a massive inspiration for wow, and if you knew anything about pre WoD wow, and even the WarCraft RTS you would know it was built to be a Warhammer game, but GW being difficult said no, and the fan-fic version of Warhammer was built as a game based on WH fantasy. (Warcraft RTS that wow is based on)
StarCraft was also a second attempt at a GW title, and blizz got told no again, so WH40k RTS turned into Starcraft.
The art style of Warcraft universe and Starcraft Universe is WarHammer fantasy and WH40k, it was effectively built to be WH.
Second, back on track here, they are not the same models in moder wow (presently dragonflight), its not even remotely imaginable. They are different heights, postures, the shapes of the heads is even different,
Regarding the old models, the art style and animations of them is why they will age better than modern wow, and in many ways already have. The texture resolution and poly count of the old models could be improved, its actually fairly cheap and easy to do, but using the retail modern wow assets is a big no go for most players.
The thing about Vanilla/Classic is that it has the replay value the other versions of the game do not.
Balance is very overrated and I think this is one thing the original designers understood that adds to the attraction of the original game.
Every class could be made capable of face roll tanking and healing and there would be a shortage of tanks and healers. Having one perfect tank, and a couple of great healers actually makes sense. Besides players have slept on how good Bears are and that isn’t the developers fault.
To keep this short I’ll just say I have low confidence that they can do it without anyone on staff who understands the original game. Later dev teams prove every expansion that they don’t understand what makes a game fun and addictive.
Instead of Classic+ I would prefer a progression SoM. Remove world buffs, buff stacking to the rafters and buff mob damage and or health. Add another piece or two per drop in raids. The updated PVP system and if they want to add one QoL thing that should be dual spec
Saying certain quests aren’t efficient in an xp/time rate is just lame. Of course every quest isn’t going to level you optimally and that’s fine they aren’t supposed to. Vanilla was created to be an adventure in the world, those long meandering quests help you explore different parts of the world. It’s about the adventure. They don’t need to be fixed or changed.
This would be a big NO thanks from me - those inane snub-nosed, imbeciles have no place in Classic, remastered or othervise.
I would like to add Achievements to the bundle. Character bound, NOT account bound, and please more of the fun ones like eat this or that here and there, and back-import some like the Limnologist etc. from later xpacs as well
And fill in the blank zones, both low-level and hig level and end game Quests and an instance or five.
But in the end, when all is done and said, I would only play this in short bursts before returning to the Era servers again.
My absolute biggest and hottest wish is for Blizz or whomever decide to roll back ALL changes to the Era servers.
you know u can just play retail right?? classic+ should have no changes and only additional content. meme specs should get tier sets in new raids. im actually all for a graphical improvements as long as they dont change the animations or artstyle, but optional ray tracing higher resolution and shaders would be pretty cool
Paladins already get an almost perfect set in AQ . Really the only flaw is how unbelievably god awful mind boggingly ugly the shoulders look.
The R14 set is also very good. Overall the biggest problem in “classic” is the AQ+ gear is way too strong. Like literally cut the item level on that stuff to Epic item level 60-62 to make it fit in with the rest of the game.
AQ / Naxx hyper optimized and over budget gear is why every vanilla “fresh” server ever dies after AQ gates open.
Add more content for sure, but also make sure the gear is no higher than epic item level 62… Problem solved.
You’re not that big of a warhammer fan, and this post proves it. So why comment about warhammer…
AoS is a new IP, registered as new IP and the lore is the aftermath of the End Times(You know the whole story line spanned over novels and novels of lore to finish off Warhammer Fantasy so GW can trademark their own brand of fantasy in AoS?). Its not just “rebrand and some lore” its a whole new IP. In fact calling them the same is considered a blasphemy among lore heads/table top gamers.
WH40k has nothing to do with WoW. There are literally no similarities other than Humans and Orcs. You are so out to left field I’m sure you’re not even in the same ball park.
Star craft wasn’t an attempt on a 2nd GW title, Blizzard already burnt that bridge with warcraft 1. They figured with the success of WH fantasy rebranded game, they could do it with WH40k. Which they did with considerable success.
and back to wow models… Old WoW has not aged well, in fact even retail is currently behind the times, never mind the 6 sided heads on humans in classic. Aging well is not an option for Vanilla WoW, and Classic exposing it from all angles.
Your whole argument really is moot.
If new models were the one thing in Classic+ that I disagreed with, I still wouldn’t play.
They’re so distracting. They’re also very non-WoW. They completely ruined gnome females and taurens.
Insane that people would rather play the rehashed, lazy content over something innovative. WoW players are something else.
Insane? You can apply this to a million things. Why does it matter to you what other people enjoy playing.
This type of pointless insult is against the social contract
There’s no insult present, but I’m not surprised. Facebook isn’t even this bad with the grade school kiddie rules, but Kelliste somehow stays active in these forums, so I’m not too worried.
It matters when you lot swarm like flies to attack someone for having a preference. The classic elitists are half the reason this game stays stale; they can keep selling you content from a decade ago (albeit tainted with aspects of retail most classic fans hate), but god forbid someone ever propose additions to an outdated game where every single aspect is known and has an answer.
Dragonflight is fresh and new if that’s what you’re after
Opie initiated with the hostile attitude.
Not saying that excuses but it wasn’t just “you lot” alone.