Classic's future

i would love to see NEW content in the classic fashion. give us something new to chew on. i thought it might be kinda cool to mesh retail with classic by having us battle against each other. not sure how that would exactly play out, but i don’t think just reintroducing TBC is going to hold our attention, and certainly not for long if it did. wouldn’t be long before we caught right up to retail =\


I would be happy with a very Classic themed expansion that’s basically what people like to call Classic+ or whatever.

Reasons being, some classes need some serious love, like Paladin Ret, Enhance Shaman, Elemental sustained, balanced sustained, and even a few nerfs like Elemental batching burst, Fury warrior DPS and Arms burst. That’s just a few things that would need to change for the game to be worth buying. There are many more, but you get the idea, some basic class tuning, and I am not looking to upset the entire balance of power, but more to bring things into some format of sensible reason that will allow more players to play the specs that they want rather than be pigeon holed into a certain build. More raid gear options would also be a problem, maybe a TBC style system?

IMO using TBC class designs with some elimination of some of the dumb RNG that’s still present in TBC would be ideal.

Also consider a more “TBC” like class tuning, where unique buffs are valuable to the raid team making specs like Shadow and Ret very valuable.

Also content would need a stout re-tune, and world buffs need to go bye bye.



If you didn’t know, Blizzard stated they were releasing classic as a museum piece. It will remain untouched for people to come back and play it any time. This will ensure no private 3rd party servers are needed, and people can always go back to the original game.


Blizzard have no idea what makes Classic, they can’t just flick a switch a suddenly recreate classic.

Todays developers just have no idea how to make an MMO, majority of them have no history working on MMOS and most don’t even seem to be aware that the game they are working on is supposed to be an MMORPG.

They have no idea how to build a world that is designed for exploring or giving the player complete freedom to roam, explore and discover, they just have no clue.

Any Classic+ would be a failure.


Battle for Azeroth zones were much better designed for exploring. The problem is, they didn’t put anything out there worth exploring for.

Classic’s world has little elevation, it’s flat and homogeneous.

BfA had a truly amazing looking world. The game devs just completely failed to utilize it.

I’d say that is a plus. The Classic world is designed for no flying mounts. BFA was horrible to navigate on foot, especially Nazjatar.

Gameplay >> aesthetics IMO.


Blizzard are very good at creating beautiful artistic worlds, however the developers have no idea how to create a unified world with a sense of identity.

Yes retail has many beautiful zones, 99% of the time however none of them retain anything of value the second you out level the zone, they are just means to an end.

There are no Arathi ele fire equivalents, no rare herbs to be found, no highly lucrative winterfall village firewater pvp farm hotspot, no scarab lords, undead invasions etc, no fishing events, no gurubashhi arenas, etc etc, the list of reasons to go out into the world in classic are endless.

MMOs are supposed to be a world of discovery, a place with few sign posts where the world is filled with dangers and treasures, retail does this but very weak to the point its soulless, yeah i can herb, but they’re everywhere to the point of redundancy, sure there’s “rares”, all carefully marked on the map for you and with instant respawns! Why they’re called “rares” still I’ll never know.

It’s like the current devs are just brains trying to figure out the old blueprints but have no idea how or why anything works, their implementation of “rare” is like they’re a bunch of boomers that looked up “video game rares” on google and were like “aahhhh, so to make a rare I just have to make a monster with a different name, and give it a slightly better loot table, easy”.

The idea that a rare should have a longer respawn timer, or perhaps appear at random in different locations, or only under certain cirmustances is completely missed by blizzard devs, the fact every single person on the servers get to see a kill a “rare” easily by defnition makes it NOT a rare.

I wish they could make a good MMO, but they can’t, MMO developers simply don’t exist anymore, and the developers of today have no history or connection with MUDS or the MMOs that we grew up with so they have no reference to what makes an MMO good.


That’s what I’m saying; the BfA world was geographically very well designed. They created a world that would be very well suited to a sandbox MMO. Mountains you could climb, underground tunnels and Troll ruins. The problem with the world is that it was void of meaningful things to find and do.

The people creating the world are very good at what they do. The people designing the gameplay for that world are not.

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I am just glad classic is here

that has development costs and classic is not charged separately.

I actually loved the doing the easter egg secret Baal pet in BFA, sadly that was a one off thing, but that kind off thing should be in the game more, actual secrets and things players are meant to discover with little to no clues.

When an MMO opens is should be a race to explore the world, people grouping up to find things on their own, the original mmo experience was less quest orientated and more simple, you explore a ffa world and you kill monsters to level up and you discover as you play, todays game is so over saturated with quests and waypoints there is absolutely nothing to discover, nothing rare or powerful to be obtained by spending time in the world.

The sad thing is, if blizzard allowed people to play with around their art assets and make their own custom worlds like they did back in the day, im sure the playerbase would make some incredible fan works that would surpass blizzards own work by a large degree, probably why they don’t allow it anymore.

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Classics future is TBC. At least for me it is. To myself and many others, this is just the TBC waiting room where we wait for the best expansion of WoW gets released, hopefully in the coming months.

Then after their best, they will release WotLK the expansion that was the start of the decline where the classes felt less unique and less fun, they broke of Feral into cat and bear where you can’t really pull off a hybrid, where they destroyed PvP to shore up the Arena numbers, and where they put diminishing returns on everything to help hide the stat explosion they did to the gear.

Really, they should have done Classic+ servers where they addressed issues of the past which they missed the boat on now for this one but could potentially do TBC+ servers where they do. Otherwise we will get this insane min/maxing yet again.

And if anyone tries to call this a “Museum Piece” and starts chirping “NoChange” tell them to go into a raid and see if they can trade a drop to a raid member or if Hunters now get access to buffs they lacked before or how many instances they can do in an hour. That excuse already set sail, they have done changes when THEY wanted to, so they are more than willing to make those changes, they just won’t for many issues that mattered FAR more than they stuff they addressed.

People farming instances and resetting repeatedly are of a MUCH lower importance than the disparity between many of the classes/specs/races, same with the ability to swap raid drops, or Hunters getting a basic AP buff that is a much lower impact than the issues on others that can be addressed.

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Could you imagine the game Blizzard would have been able to make with Retails tool set and know how, but utilizing 2004 levels of creativity… The world would literally explode, and so would my PC from 2004 LOL, but it would be awesome.


Mark Kern once said in an interview, that around the time aq40 came out there was mass lay offs and half the original WoW team got cut.

Makes me wonder how good things could have been, had the original team been allowed a fair go to see their vision through…

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I don’t know how to quote but…mmo sandboxes don’t know how to do exploration? you even play other games?

I don’t think you’ve ever played any real old school sandbox MMO’s. Those games were all about exploring and being out in the world.

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Idk I’m going to try to see if I can solo scholo at 60 the way I did at 70. Just need more gear.

If Blizz ever found a way to bring people out to engage with the world without enforcing boring chores they’d have a great game.

Problem with retail is most of the systems they put into the game takes people out of the world not to mention there’s nothing of value in it.

I had a fond memory of farming text in Silithus, ganking, and occupying a camp. One day the leader was pissed and decided to skip lunch to gank all raiders at the AQ gate =)

IS there an equivalent in modern wow? like a high level only FFA zone? where ppl fight for resource

I didn’t play in the early phases, but I heard the Ungoro was fun

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I agree with most of what you said, but I think you got this part wrong. It was boomers who brought us video games to begin with and created the concept of mmorpgs. Not to start a boomer vs zoomer debate but I would think that a boomer would actually be the best kind of person to work on an old school mmorpg. I believe it’s actually the zoomers who have no clue and they are who permeates the gaming industry now. And sad to say, I think it’s zoomers who are primarily working on WoW.


Nope, sadly Blizzard considers gameplay like that toxic behaviour and removed any fun pvp farm spots like that.

Things like this is exactly what the retail game is missing,