I don’t know that most people care how it’s accomplishing what it accomplishes. Most people probably don’t know what text parsing or text mining is. It’s what it accomplishes that they don’t like. It is a legitimate LFG tool. It’s not the Dungeon Finder with auto teleport and auto match, but I don’t think most people think it does that. It seems to be the supporters of the addon that think people think it does that.
“How” it is accomplished just makes it more difficult to get rid of because it can be done simply with the /lfg chat channel. It does communicate with itself, but even if Blizzard broke this part, it could be rewritten to accomplish the same thing via the /lfg chat.
I don’t like it, but I don’t think we can expect to see them remove it.
You are correct but by removing the reason why they did it (cross faction communication) removes part of the impact of that statement.
Yes parsing chats to do cross faction communication will be broken again if it happens, parsing same faction chat will not as it’s not a big deal.
You should see the responses on the Twitter thread as well as the other mega-thread that say exactly that. People are really under the impression that it will recreate late-game Wrath-era 5-mans.
If that’s true, I haven’t seen it. I just see people complaining about “muh social”. One dude in the other thread didn’t even know /4 existed and thought the addon bypassed it.
Yeah, after re-reading the original post I linked it kinda throws my argument in the garbage:
“The changes were made due to security concerns, and Cross RP was broken from a mere side effect.”
Ah well, sometimes I don’t know why I debate terrible stances except to learn new things. Thanks for the clarification.
I still don’t think a LFG-addon would be good for the Classic community. I’m aware it has no impact on anybody else, but it’s disappointing to me that people are trying to bring retail-like functions to a game as broken and flawed as Vanilla.
Because people brought all manner of functions to Vanilla because they wanted to and could. Some became insanely popular… others not so much. The community to watch was always the exploit community because those folks lived to figure out any and all things you could do with in-game acts as well as API manipulation. Some of those purposes were nefarious (obviously) but they led to some very interesting and creative mods down the line, some of which became default settings for WoW.
overall I don’t think the addon does anything too over the top. its goal however, is to make grouping easier.
I would argue that the easier it is to find a group, the more likely people will leave after 1 wipe or similar. the easier it is to find a replacement, the more likely it is someone will be kicked for being less than perfect.
some of the fun times of vanilla was overcoming adversity in a hard dungeon. discussing strategies etc.
but its a bit of a hard position to defend. how obtuse and tedious do we need grouping to be? its a subjective correlation at best. at what point would we prefer a group fall apart from time to time? everyone has a different idea of where the sweet spot is
Oh look guys. The troll moved here after being called put by a bunch of people elsewhere. Just ignore this kid. He is willfully ignorant. Other people like Plague have actual discussions and counterpoints. This kid is only out to argue with you and is a known troll. PSA over.
This is what generated solo/small-guild gripes vs big/raid guilds in Vanilla and TBC. I had a sufficiently large enough guild that played when I did such that if we even had a random, it was almost never a problem to kick them for trolling, rolling Need nonstop, etc. 5-mans weren’t hard and losing a DPS usually just meant going slower until a guildie could make it to us.
The worst part of group-finder later was when cross-realm was added. Then you could be almost entirely unhinged for next to no consequences because A) reputation mattered little and B) a replacement was 5sec away. People will still be trolls in Classic, still get bad reps for ninja-looting or being terrible at the game or whatever contrived reason, and people will use GASP yet another add-on to maintain blacklists of these folks which will also get abused because of course it will… but that’s just MMO’s.
And on top of that, people didn’t really “learn” anything once Cataclysm rolled out and we got “hard” 5mans again. All that meant was I used the system exclusively with guild mates while other groups would just dissolve entirely if they failed at a boss more than twice. Everything at that point had shifted to raiding…
Instant teleport in/out and cross-realm made such things so efficient that social features went out the window. Neither of these things are here so all the gripes about ‘muh community’ are limited at best.
Its a lot closer to the TBC LFG than WotLK. WotLK LFG was bad because:
It used people from different servers
It teleported you to the dungeon
It gave you extra rewards
WotLK dungeon design was really easy so you didn’t need to talk at all
WotLK dungeons weren’t really a fleshed out part of the game, it was just a easy form of leveling/a step between lvl 80 and raiding.
This addon, even if it everybody uses it, doesn’t change the overall game design