
Well the video clearly shows BfA, so how is this actually Classic?

There are no Dark Iron Dwarves and “You have unspent talents” in Classic.

Oh, so CARING about an addon matters now?

For me, as long as the auto invite is gone I don’t see this as against “the spirit of vanilla”.

I was agreeing with you. Stand down, Chuck.

Instead of freaking out about random assumptions, anyone who wants to see this addon in action doesn’t have to wait for classic.

Download the addon and load it in retail. The API is similar enough that the addon will load in retail. If you do not have an active sub, you can still install and load retail and simply log onto a character level 20 or below (though the list of dungeons it shows you may then be fairly short).

Look at the addon yourself, test it with your friends, make outrage reaction videos on youtube etc.

Wrong so wrong.
It may work in retail but will function much differently

I think you’re missing the basic point. I’m saying you can see the basic functionality in retail or at least look at the addon visually.

Obviously retail itself is very different, particularly in how xserver groups and what not work, but that’s not the point I was getting at.

The addon itself will load in retail if you stick it in the addon folder and you can look at it yourself if you’d like to rather than making the assumptions some of these people are making which are completely off-base with how it actually works.

Or, and I know this is crazy but hear me out, we could look at the source of the addon.

The author first specifically states that there is no automatic group match making. So even if there was an auto-invite feature for the addon, it wouldn’t work like today’s LFD system on live and it would be a silly thing to use because 90% of the time you’d end up with a group of all DPS.

And honestly even in that state, I think I would agree that it shouldn’t be in there. What most people want is NOT a way to automate the process of putting together a group so that no one needs to communicate or think, that’s not what the goal is.

Just as I was typing this, I went to the addon page and checked the repository. An hour ago, he entered this:
“disable auto join for all categories except custom #60
Custom is exactly what it sounds like, non-instance content out in the open world, like world events. Personally, I think an argument can be made for even disabling it even there, but as I said before, the auto-invite function won’t even function the way people who like that sort of thing want it to. They’ll just be inundated with DPS constantly joining without regard for composition in hopes that they get a spot quickly, and low levels who don’t know how the dungeons work and the group will go nowhere.

The TL;DR of this is that for instance content like dungeons and raids, there is NO matchmaking feature and auto-invite is disabled. Its primary function is to graphically display group advertisements to help enhance, not replace, the group finding experience.

And I’ll say right now as someone rolling a healer, and I’m certain I’m not alone, if I decide to use this addon, I will never join a group labelled auto-invite. Not only am I just against the automated aspect of it, but I also am not going to waste my time on a group that accepted the first people to apply because that’s going to be a trainwreck lol.

Seriously people, banning the addon is pointless. People will just use other methods to get the same result. Its like disabling chat. People will just use discord.

Sadly there are some dinosaurs of 40 years old, want impose their way to play the game to everyone and witch-hunt EVERYONE think different.

  • Take your friends, family and dog then play the game on the WAY YOU WANT. Ignore what the others are doing.

I dont care if the people use CLASSIC-LFG even if blizzard creates an AUTO-PARTY-FINDER for DUNGEONS/RAID i love that. Sorry but i dont have 4 hours to shout on TRADE-CHANNEL for do a dungeon that takes 15 minutes. I did this on FFXI 15 years ago…

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Made a discord for LFG

Discord Invite


I am not coming back to WoW because of community. I am coming back to WoW because vanilla, and hopefully classic, had consequences.

Consequences of what talents I chose. Consequences of whether I could afford an enchant. Consequences of whether I had enough time to farm honor.

Using an add on or not… there is a consequence to that choice, be it blacklisting for use, or slower group finding if I don’t.

But unless the choice violates ToS, the choice and the consequence should be mine.

Removing that choice… that’s why I abandoned WoW. Because there is no consequence when it doesn’t matter what class you roll, doesn’t matter how you set your talents and doesn’t matter if you’re a compete #@! to people in group… since you’ll never see them again.

Banning any non ToS violating add-on removes choice and consequence.

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My point proven…

That’s how I see tgat author’s actions.

I even specified that was how it appeared to me. I did not even attempt to claim my opinion was the truth.

Tell us all, though, how you would interpret this scenario:

An add-on author goes to great lengths to repeatedly claim that there is no auto invite and scoffs at people’s objections to being able to see talents.

Another poster posts a video showing auto invites and talents being visible.

The add’on’s author makes a statement thatbhe will remove the auto invite feature (which he claimed eas never there, BTW) and the ability to see talents.

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Let them tab out to use discord.

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Again, the video showed retail.

Which uses the same backend infrastructure as Classic.

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Wrong again. It uses Legion’s.


Thrn why the scramble by the add-on’s author to remove a feature he (and you, if i am not mistaken) claimed was never there?