Then why didn’t they break the addon in the last 18 months?
Because they already broke the functionality that allowed what they dislike. And this add on does not violate that statement.
The modern API allows add ons to talk with back end communications that you can’t see other wise. This add on does not do that, it only uses public chat channels so no special “networks” are created that you can only access with the add on.
Omar and Brian, who are Classic devs, said addons are fine as long as they don’t play the game for you and addons are good when they “change how you see information about the world”. This all happened on esfand’s stream.
Just not a fan of slippery slope arguements.
Fact is having played Vanilla, I understand how the community aspect actually works. And the spamming chat and waiting for group aspect was not a positive thing. What was fun was actually meeting, and playing with new people ON YOUR SERVER, something this addon does spectacularly.
The auto-invite feature is useless, it does not offer an effective way to make groups, I look forward to using this addon to talk to more “applicants” and to find a good fit for who I want to spend an hour or more with in game.
Hope that makes sense!
Prepare to be disappointed.
But but but…the retail dev who is killing retail said…
Would you happen to have a link to this, or a timestamp?
The idea of the addon is purely to take advertisements from that chat channel and display them in a separate frame so that they’re easier to read and do not get spammed out.
So yes, if you are forming a group and post “LF2M VC need tank” into the chat channel, the addon will display that in its frame. People can then sign up if they are interested, by applying and entering a message. At which point you will get a whisper with that exact message and can decide if you want to invite them.
It’s really no different for you, except more people have a chance of being able to see it.
lol what?
How is this addon going to lead to people teleporting to dungeons? You don’t know what a “slippery slope” is, do you? This addon leads nowhere, because the capability is limited to exactly what it’s already doing.
I would argue that if you take that statement in conjunction with what Ion said then auto invite is a no go. But that’s just my take.
I think most people who are against this addon think it works exactly like Dungeon Finder works in retail…
It hasn’t been removed. Are you just making stuff up because you think it will make your argument stronger?
No, because i’m on my phone. However, it’s in the WoWhead recap.
It, uh, was removed about 20 minutes after it was posted.
Got it, thank you.
It’s amazing how many wow players from wrath+ can’t live without there little group finder feature somewhere in wow. I hope the functionality of the addon breaks.
Obviously it’s never going to end up teleporting you to dungeons. You must think everybody but yourself is a retard.
And there probably will be 10 more between now and Monday. It is the new thing to argue about.
Untrue…just watch it from it’s source on Twitch
I agree. I think that if they can they may break auto-invite. I doubt the auto chat is going anywhere though.