
Except for the natural language part, that the elementary programmers are supposed to know how to do.

And, it won’t start a group for me automatically either I am assuming. So, if I am creating a group without the add-on, I am at a disadvantage.

Imagine thinking you’re so “busy” that you can’t possibly spend the time actually speaking to other humans to form your dungeon group in /1 or /2, while simultaneously thinking that you have enough time to run the 2-3 hour dungeon itself.

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“its okay if the community is split between people who use the addon and people who don’t”

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so your argument is “im on a diet so nobody can eat a cheeseburger”

I am worried that is already a step in the wrong direction, before the game has even launched. One step closer to this crap taking over again.

You just said you couldn’t find a single instance of anyone on the private servers you played on extensively that used it.

If the addon gains traction, wouldn’t you want to avoid those “retail babies” that use it anyways? Seems like a win for someone like you; it weeds out those “retailers” you despise so much.

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It’s definitely not fake. And honestly I look for Blizz to axe the addon within 1-2 days from now.

If they don’t i’d be surprised.

Imagine thinking that spamming LF2M whatever or whispering “I’ll go” is meaningful human conversation…

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How is it irrelevant and why would you call this fake?

It seems to speak directly to this issue. Do have something to refute it? Or do you just not like the answer?


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What? haha it is not

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Really? Dark Iron Dwarves in Classic?


When retail and classic minds collide



did you even look at the video? Ion is not a DI Dwarf

What you’re saying isn’t untrue. But if it becomes too efficient then people won’t have a choice but to use the addon or be left behind. Imagine 100 people not using the addon not finding groups while the other 900 people are using it to find their semi automated groups. How do you think the 100 people would feel? They would be pressured to get the addon. Now we have a problem.

You didn’t watch the clip lol.

I can’t say I blame you, but its not the one you are thinking of :wink:

might as well be, also why would I want to listen to someone who made the game worse

Exactly…>So let’s not go down that road again…

I saw the video this morning that “showed” the video of the addon, but it was a retail version, and using a Dark Iron Dwarf.

Then the video was removed. HA!

I didn’t click on the link because I had already seen it, and I don’t see previews.

What Ion said is not what this addon does.

I think it is exactly what this add-on does

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So…irrelevant and not a video of the addon. Got it.