
who is going to look in /4 when then have the add-on? The whole point is so you don’t have to look at /4 isn’t it?

yeah this needs to be axed



If nobody uses it, I guess it’s not a problem. You can stop worrying about it and go on your merry way now.

No, the whole point of the addon is to organize 5000 people looking for a group into an easy to use interface. Serioulsy, imagine launch day 3,000 people on alliance looking for a group for hogger. Now let it sink in how ridiculously hard it’s going to be having YOUR message be the one that people see.

This will only cause a problem in the community if you let it. And by that I mean if you act like bigoted a-holes towards people who use this Addon or something like them. These addons effectively do nothing but display a chat message without it scrolling by. That’s all we want from them.

form what i understand its nothing but a glorfied CHAT CHANNEL to LFG which removes clutter from live chat, so no big deal

Yes people creating their own LFG messages (with their brain) instead of using an automated addon’s template to spam the chat. Completely identical examples.

Basically, that’s exactly what it is.

Never. As the Esfand twitter vid indicates, they actually view such addons with great concern that they will mess with the goal of “authentic experience”.

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Except you won’t see my group because you will be using this add-on. Those without the add-on will be at a disadvantage. if everyone is making a group for the same thing, surely you can read the chat and whisper them for an invite. If 3k people are trying to group up to kill hogger, it is likely you will find some of them already there…

Get rid of this add-on please


It’s just gaining a scary amount of traction. Too close for comfort.
I don’t want a LFD tool.
I don’t want anything that resembles a LFD tool.


That is what I saw earlier too, not sure what has been said today though?

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Seriously. This is the event that fires when a message is displayed in a chat channel. Argument 1 is the message, 2 is the author, 3 is the language, 4 is the channel name, etc.

The addon will grab information when that event is called, look at the message and if it fits some criteria such as LFG or LFM, as well as the name of a dungeon or raid, it will use arg2 to list the person’s name and the info found in arg1 to create a name and a description.

“CHAT_MSG_WHISPER” is the event called when you receive a whisper.

arg1 = message, 2 = author, etc. When that event is called, it will pull information from arg2 to list the person’s name and arg1 to list their message.

Is that sufficient?


See above. When you send a message to a chat channel or via whisper, that is sent through an event that the addon can read and use to graphically display the information.

They convey the exact same information and no most people did not make highly customized messaged for groups, they did exactly what you showed and used very formulaic wording.

You know the exact same thing you seem to be whining the add on will do.

The video was using a BfA addon.

Don’t think of this as lfg from retail. Think of it as a forum board you can access in game. Instead of having to scroll spam you click the name and ask to join group. It’s got the same interactions, just less spamy.

Where was this said?

beep boop we should all just speak 100% efficiently and not waste any time with chit chat. in fact everybody in real life should just talk with yes no questions and have not give out information that isn’t 100% useful for the current situation at hand

But certainly if there’s droves of people who think the same as you do there will be plenty of people who won’t be using the add on right?

Or are you worried that your opinion is actually just an extreme minority and most people really don’t in fact care about finding groups in chat.

Irrelevant. And fake.