
Depends, are you saying VC or DM

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No. You’re a troll and I’m done with you.

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Yeah except the whole cesspool automated spamming aspect of the addon

Which is no different than anyone else spamming chat, which is what you want.

All the people in /4?

I hate to break this to you, but most people are probably going to have /4 hidden unless they’re looking for a group. Again, I don’t think any of you are comprehending how rapidly that channel is going to be spamming when thousands of people are looking for groups at the same exact time.

For all you folks saying these things never existed in Vanilla, you’re mistaken. They absolutely did. I remember using these on towards the end, in the Naxx era, which is about when they started to come out.

If you want to use the LFG channel and do it the old way, do that. For the rest of us who don’t want to and want to use an add-on, we will use that. If you’re worried that those of us using the add-on will take away from your experience… tough. I mean I get you, it sucks, but I’m not going to make my life harder because you simply choose to make your life more difficult.

Supposedly the add on will pick that up as well and people using the add on will see your group.

“Boy howdy I sure do love people hitting their LFG/LFM macros along with all the I BUY FOODDUCK nonsense in chat!! Good thing no FILTHY RETAIL BOTS are doing it!”

I do not, but I doubt there is natural language queries coded in this add-on…

People get tired of it eventually, a bot does not.

What? The addon will post an advertisement in whatever channel you want, and anyone is free to join the channel if it’s a custom one. The addon requests people who want to join to whisper for an invite, a function which is available to people with and without the addon.

Regardless of whether or not you have the addon, whispering for an invite will show the leader your name with an option to invite. And the addon watches all of the appropriate public channels for group advertisements so that even people not using the addon will be seen by people who are.

As I said before, the author has gone to great lengths to ensure that anybody who does not want to use the addon does not have to, it literally just watches chat and displays current advertisements and requests.

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Why are people still talking about this? It was always just scare tactics that got amplified by streamers looking for clicks.

Blizzard had months to break it and they didn’t. Today the Classic devs said it was fine. Give me something new to argue about, please.


“LFG DM 3 more”
“Need tank scholo quick run”
“LF1M strat need paladin heals please 45+”

“CLASSIC LFG - 'Ziryus-(60) Warlock - 2 DPS/1 HEAL - DIRE MAUL.”
“CLASSIC LFG - ‘Billy’-(60) Paladin - 3 DPS/1 TANK - STRATHOLME (ALIVE)”
“CLASSIC LFG - ‘Bob’-(45) Warrior - 2 DPS/1 HEAL - MARAUDON”
“CLASSIC LFG - ‘Zomboden’-(42) Hunter - 2 DPS/1 HEAL/1 TANK - DIRE MAUL”

Oh boy I can’t wait for the Classic experience.

I understand how it spams chat channels to build on groups initiated by the add-on.

Tell me what happens why I create the group as someone not using the add-on?

Took me less than 10 seconds to type in “Northdale LFG addon” to see dozens of threads related to LFG addons on private servers.

What do you hope your trolling will accomplish?


They look the same too me, a string of characters relatively nonsensical that conveys what dungeon is being run, by whom and how many/what role the group is looking for.

The same thing as if they’re not using the addon. If they don’t have /4 hidden, they’ll see your message. This doesn’t remove you from /4.

where did they say this?

My trolling? Nothing. But I can show you pictures of my level 60s on ND if you want. They have the same name as my characters here. A quick google search of
“Northdale LFG addon” brought up nothing but 2016 posts about a few kids using it on the elysium server. Nobody I associated with over weeks of /played mentioned LFG addons period.

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