Classic WoW, the future of RP

Still clowning around I see


Can we all just laugh at the fact that this knob is trying to convince us all that DHs should do nothing but fight every second of every day when there’s a scene in Illidan devotes to the protagonist drinking wine and watching Blood Elves?


I always find it interesting when people claim that DHs should or would never engage in any recreational activities, when in fact rest is important to mental health and DHs have enough going on with the voices in their heads already. These people need to take care of themselves.

Of course those roles will always exist, but they won’t be mainstream anymore because not everyone is going to be able to look the part, put simply.

Sorry Eledriss, didn’t see your reply as it was buried in my fan mail, but it seems like you’re part of the discussion now so I’ll leave the irony be.

Not sure what you’re getting at here. He said he’s going to RP a bronze dragon in disguise for me, so if he can sell that then he has my vote, but his RP won’t hold up under my scrutiny.

Just what was given to us about the character of DH’s from Illidan and the game. How many times have you heard that they’ve sacrificed everything? That’s only scratching the surface, but one can draw a picture of how an Illidari should carry themselves from everything we’ve seen about them. Yes they revel in alcohol and women, but they’re not goofy clowns how get drunk and tell jokes at bars. There’s a difference.

Pretty silly to say that there’s no point of reference because there are no ‘real’ DH’s. It’s a fantasy game… comparisons to the real world don’t make sense in most contexts.

Not only the lack of addons, but the community was just starting out. Imagine a dozen people in Stormwind as a busy day for RP. Now it can be 100s. Hell, every now and again I’d ballpark seeing 600ish people in Stormwind during events.

We can agree on those major problems, however. Classic is an entirely different game and those who aren’t as dedicated to RP are going to find themselves bored in no time. I hope that the nostalgia factor brings a lot of people in, who might see Classic RP servers differently than the current build and stick around.

The thing is they’re intensely emotional about a stranger making posts about a video game. It’s really nbd but to see them take it to this level is concerning. In the business world, as I’ve already said, we ignore things we disagree with and move on with our day. It’s the adult thing to do and since these kids are still here, I imagine that they’re in for a rough ride as they clearly can’t control their impulses.

hey Soljeron we’re still waiting on the source you have about warriors in roleplay

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I see you are dying to be acknowledged… there there

it was two months ago please show us the source

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That thread has since devolved into something else, no interest in entertaining my fan club. Moving on

but do you think a warrior/paladin/shaman could block an arrow from a hunter with a shield or is that gameplay and gameplay =/= lore

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LOL I remember now, you said that an icicle should realistically bounce off of a metal shield. I don’t know if you can handle real talk, junior.

and you can’t handle geometric shapes but yet here we are

what’s Retribution paladin haste cap for roleplay


It amuses me.

Since you appear to have already decided that his RP will not hold up, I do not see how you could be viewing it in good faith.

Not all of them, I suspect.

This presumes that we can draw conclusions about all members of this group because we have seen some of them. This is rarely correct, and additionally, it limits creativity.

Being dedicated to RP or not will have no bearing on whether people play a game the gameplay of which they don’t like.

What “business” do you engage in, out of curiosity?


Are you saying it shouldn’t? I’m confused. Pray tell, how much experience with icicles do you have?

Not to mention that you’re the one that said the icicle “bouncing”.

Bolded for emphasis. You’re the one that came up with the “bouncing off” part, chief. It doesn’t have to ricochet or bounce to be blocked. You have to be not horribly injured or killed by it.

o m sry too logical 4 u and ur roleplay??


Man i should a make a bingo sheet for these threads


Watch as he tries to deflect that epic burn.

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Oh man. That would be tight. You’d have to mix and match things so that I could play too. If you didn’t, we’d both bingo at the same time.


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Placing my bet on MLM.

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This has to be the most over the top and simultaneously entertaining thread I’ve seen all year. Please, continue.

Okay, probably. Most likely. I’ve met two dragon RPers who I can say are so well informed about the lore that I couldn’t reasonably criticize their RP. They were something and I sincerely hope to see more like them, but I haven’t seen anything like them for months.

To each their own of course.

There’s a caveat to roleplaying certain roles. As a Demon Hunter, you should accept that your character is going to be struggling for most of its existence. There’s literally a demon housed within them that’s in constant war with the person. That fact is hardly acknowledged by a lot of DH’s, who are so casual and laid back that you’d think they work at a library.

It limits creativity in the same way that Skyrim forces the player to be the dragonborn. Regardless of what path you choose in the game, you’re a god among men. The same applies for DH’s who are endowed with the extremes of fel power - you’re a killing machine by design no matter how you choose to RP your DH, and that should be respected. If you want to be a drunkard goofball, why not be something that makes sense like a scoundrel, soldier, mercenary, etc.? Those archetypes are far more liberal in what you can write.

It’s not news that many are unhappy with BFA and that most RPers pay their subs to just RP. The same can be true for Classic.

I’m a junior financial analyst.

It’s common sense, really. Ice is brittle and metal is hard. An icicle’s shape lends further to its destruction against the (shockingly) harder material that is metal.

Your’e confused… Spell reflect being used in RP is what we were discussing. Literally spells bouncing off of regular shields being OK to RP, which makes no sense. My argument was that by being a bit creative (let’s say by enchanting the shield to deflect projectiles) THEN it would make more sense. To say that throwing an icile at a shield and having it sent back to impale its caster is hogwash.

what if it’s a magical shield enchanted with deflection powers