Classic WoW, the future of RP

From the way you had worded it previously, I half-expected you to try and tell me that the icicle should go through the shield. I’m slightly disappointed.

Here’s my biggest question, then, to which my response to most of your points would be related:

On what basis do you have the right to tell others whether or not they’re RPing “correctly”? What objective standard do you believe exists by which RP can be judged, and where is it supposed to come from?

What if its magic ice

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what if Soljeron bankrolled all our subscription fees and actually could tell people how to RP

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Personally I’d just take his money and then continue to do what I want.

… So I quoted your post, Liotuse, and then immediately upon posting, the page jumped, the quote disappeared, and an “edited” icon appeared in the top right.

Is this a known glitch, or is a mod playing games with me.

Sometimes posts have like a 1/8 chance of auto-editing out the quote of the person above you because reasons.

I know it’s been a while and everyone already talked about it, but man this forum software is so great.

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My favourite is the removal of a block/ignore function and having a limited number of flags every 24 hours.


Yes, I think that’s been fantastic for the general forum environment. Like how buildings are improved when you brick up the emergency exits.


People in the real world who harass other people get fined or jail time. Are you sure you’re ready for “real life”? You seem more comfortable here, where predatory creepy behavior has minimal consequences.


This is the saddest attempt at a toughguy sentence I think I’ve ever seen.


Beloch from Out For Blood was a vaguely more effective e-thug.


For the sake of quality and loreful RP, mostly. I definitely help people more than I hurt them (in the rare cases of people getting mad for me telling them that their character conflicts with the lore).

The ‘objective’ standard is very general in the sense that we’re given a lot of lore to work with - and should work with - in the context of a roleplaying setting. There are rules and caveats to RP that are widely accepted by the community (see powergaming, godmodding, metagaming) and these, as well as the vast lore, should be respected as they facilitate immersive and in writing. That latter part is harder to support now adays because of terrible writing, but Classic is an erasure of those mistakes.

Whos beloch?

So you have no basis?


This is circular, and seems to basically mean “there is no objective standard, and the reason I’m an authority is because I say so, trust me it’s legit.”

Some guy that decided to have an eternal vendetta with me for a while in… Cataclysm? Mists of Pandaria? Just because on the realm forums I suggested typing out page-long posts entirely formatted in italics wasn’t a good idea for anyone trying to read said posts.

Classic is still a high fantasy game though. You seem to have a problem with high fantasy settings, given how you’ve always approached what is or isn’t acceptable with the roleplaying community.

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“I have arbitrarily decided that any character I personally dont agree with is poorly written and have no interest in rationally discussing this opinion. Tangentially I also lack the functional cognition to recognize no one on this forum has any desire to entertain my idiocy”


How is it circular? Any decent roleplayer abides by the rules I mentioned and any decent writer would go along with the source material, not make up their own that conflicts with it. The people who make those mistakes are the people who I try to inform - and there are a lot of them.

Dude you make up rules and live in your own world and version of reality. Why are you so surprised that this is met with skepticism at best?


If the basis of your right to tell other people how to RP is to ensure “quality,” but you are the one defining “quality,” then this is not a “basis” that stands up to scrutiny.