Classic WoW, the future of RP

Sorry bucko you’re a passing amusement, nothing more


Anyone who mocks the disabled and threatens harassment as a form of “debate” deserves no serious response or discussion.

He deserves ridicule.


help he’s doing that thing again by going to other threads and he went to mine


oh man that youtube money am i right gamers


So the only post that blatantly kisses up to your arrogance is ‘unbiased’.

lol get a load of this guy.


Yeah that’s his MO. He looks for people who sided against him on stuff, and then threatens to “infiltrate” their guilds. Not kidding, this the fourth time I’ve seen this maniac do this.

Guys, I’m just going to say it. This guy is the wow version of the North Korean Kim regime.


Ignoring the OP, anyone who either reviews evidence of someone else being an absolute shilt or specifically ignores it with some hogwash about “the points / the argument” deserves a forum vacation.

I’m not expecting a particular volume of human decency or even literacy but man the sheer mass of disingenuous posters and outright trolls is staggering.

Anyways that’s my lukewarm take, have a free pot stir.

I don’t understand. Can you break this down Barney style for me please?

Because what I’m reading is that you think anyone who either does their research on someone who everyone else is saying is a bad apple, or someone who doesn’t… is worthy of a ban for treating this guy the way we have been?

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It’s been a while since I tried to word, so that’s on me.

Treating the OP like the tool he is, is good.

Random folk coming to his defense, either aware or otherwise, is bad.

I wouldn’t legitimately call it worthy of a ban but as far as I personally care (not much, hence) if people are going to go out of their way to defend bad posts or bad posters they should share some consequence.

Though that would imply a whole lot more seriousness on and around these forums than should necessarily exist so a lack of context makes the statement a lot more dumb than I initially realized.


Yeah, admittedly I had to do a little double take at your post too. for a sec I thought you were actually calling us out for dunking on a clown and his lackey.

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Thank you for taking the time to break it down. I appreciate it.

E: you didn’t sound dumb. my brain just no work good.

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I can promise you it’s a “me” issue. My communication skills aren’t great and I tend to vomit jumbled messes of ideas and it’s difficult for me to tell because it’s already auto completed and translated any time I reread it.

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Doing better than the 120 Blood Elf Clown, that’s for sure. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ooooh you’re Quinn… I should have known. That explains everything. No one is this consumed by my posts, except that poor draenei.

Guys, if you’re going to get emotional and scared that someone you don’t like is trying to apply for your guild on an online video game forum then you aren’t going to last very long in the real world… yikes.

I have, and I’ve witnessed mages casually bending the fabric of time to accomplish things. That’s the most glaring example that I can think of off the top of my head because the power is written into RP so brazenly. Case in point a mage ‘student’ was warping the fabric of time to help him study better. Like what?? I think that it comes from timewarp being a spell that you get in game and the mentality is that every mage can do it therefore it must be reasonable for mine to. Classic is more bare bones and gives people the right idea about what an archetype’s baseline power.

More on that. In the case of warriors, for example, the baseline now adays is a walking tank/robot with a massive weapon. He’s going to need a fitting TRP to do that gear justice. In Classic, he’s going to be wearing some simple plate and I think that’s going to motivate him to tone his TRP down… a lot.

I wouldn’t know as I didn’t play in Classic, but I’m sure you’re correct. But here we are years later with a sizable RP community with complete roleplay addons. Imagine what Classic RP would be like with that accessibility and community, but you won’t have to because it’s coming in August. That’s the exciting part.

It’s not about earning the right to play the archetype, it’s about having flashy gear options far out of reach of the vast majority of players. What this will do, I think, is discourage most players from RPing these legendary hero type roles. We all know that that is so overdone, and I strongly believe that it’s due to the fact that it’s so easy to look the part. Take Demon Hunters, for example. There were maybe a handful of Night Elf DH rpers that I’d ever encountered on MG/WrA prior to Legion. Most of these players spent hours farming the gear to look the part and their RP was just as passionate. Contrast that with today where anyone can roll a DH, walk into Stormwind with TRP, and start RPing. It’s why there are dozens of DH’s casually walking around SW, doing things that real DH’s would not bother with. Most of it has to do with people living vicariously through their characters, but in Classic, they won’t be able to do that with DH’s anymore, at least. They’re now limited to very basic classes and it is up to them to sell their RP. I promise 95% of DH’s RPers won’t be in Classic. The same applies for other, high power archetypes.

Now this is where you would be surprised. I’ve seen it over and over again where players confuse gameplay mechanics as roleplay. The power that our characters are given now adays is on par with the legends of Warcraft (AGAIN the legendary hero thing blah blah) and people freely mix this into RP because I guess, they don’t know better. I’ve also never played Classic so I don’t know if things were better, but I’m sure they were worse. Classic was a time for gameplay more than roleplay as the scene was just starting out and there were no mods to help. I hope that makes it easier to look at things from my angle: Classic has far better lore than current WoW (which fosters better RP all around) and with mod compatibility it can set the stage for better writing.

Oh, and if I see your ‘dragon in disguise’, I’ll be sure to break it down for you ICIly. Maybe after I can help you write a real character. But hey, if you can sell it, you have my vote.

hey i recognize you, aren’t you the guy that had trouble doing a simple world quest about drawing geometric shapes, called it impossible, made a thread about it, got a good tip about screenshotting the shape before it disappeared but said it was too much effort, and then starting getting properly uppity at post #53 out of 131?

then decided to start trying to make threads dictating how people should roleplay because they’re doing it “wrong”?

how’s real life treating you bud


RP makes the transmog. Transmog doesn’t make the RP. If you think there weren’t people RPing as dragons, demon hunters, Khadgar’s long-lost brother, space marines and more, all while wearing their Disheveled Off-Brand Robes of the Bear and their Rusty Breastplate of the Tiger, then clearly you never played in Classic.


Good Lord, bro. Your posts.

What I hear when I see your name:

E: Also, that theme from Curb Your Enthusiasm kinda plays in these threads. Not sure if you guys can hear it too, but it’s definitely there.

Nah I get more of a -


There is not as big of a ‘we’ here as you suggest.

But I’m not attempting to sell you anything. I do not wish for you to buy it.

There is no such thing as a real DH, so it’s difficult to take seriously one person’s assertions about them over any other, but I’m curious about what exactly you think “real” DHs would not “bother” with.

So Vanilla was worse for RP the first time, but this time it will be better because a lack of add-ons was the main problem. This is, at least, what I believe you are saying.

I disagree with it. I believe that the major problems obstructing an RP community in Classic will be things such as the largely unenticing gameplay, the lack of transmog, and the lack of several now-popular playable races.

I have often seen people assuring others that they do not have what it takes to succeed in the ‘real world’; but equally often, the people making these assurances are not exhibiting real world coping skills at the time.

Edit: Stupid forum formatting.