Classic WoW, the future of RP

So, I’m going to go to sleep now. I’m making a prediction of 60-80 posts again because a masochist keeps returning for more.

I’ll admit, leveling one’s sockpuppets so high is an interesting new tactic.

Before I check. Please tell me it’s an alt. I’m gonna do the ol’ “check pet collection” trick to see if names match up.

EDIT: BARNACLES NO MATCHING PETS. Maybe the pet method doesn’t work so well anymore or something.

Anyways I’m re-issuing this post as a PSA about Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus. It’s a rough playthrough and kind of feels unpolished. It seems like every designer got to throw spaghetti on the whiteboard and nobody saw fit to edit or cut anything to everything made it in and as a result, there was so much bulk to it that nothing could get tightened up.

That’s his secret, Cap. OP has always been a moron.

Also enjoy the free flag since you seem to be cut from the same cloth as Soljeron.


You sure showed me. I’ll think twice before commenting on the WoW forums. Not the clown shoes! :sob:

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Is this the pathway to becoming a forum MVP? You post non-constructive arguments every minute until you’re at 40k posts?

Can’t you just call us soyboys and go to bed?


who in this thread is even near 40,000 posts?

my god, soljeron can’t understand basic shapes and eliariath can’t count

it’s the start of a beautiful friendship


I will be RP’ing, something I am looking forwards too even if I am just doing it to vendors and quest givers and such :slight_smile: Just like I did back on Elune (normal carebare pve server but was the first server I picked)

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You’re not at 40k yet, but you’re well on your way.
You’ve replied to this single thread nearly 20 times and you haven’t said anything constructive once.

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must be like looking into a mirror for you


Lord Liotuse, by my right of succession and the sovereignty of my crown, I hereby relieve you of your command of this dumpster fire of a thread and suspend your spergs from service.

Those of you who have the will to save Classic, follow me! The rest of you… get out of my sight!

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your performance was a solid 0/10 unlike soljeron’s 1/10, he got the single point for effort

you’re just trying to ride some awkward coattails bud, okay bye good night i’m going to sleep Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus was aggravatingly designed and i’m glad i uninstalled it so i can reinstall Wolfenstein: The New Order and play that through again instead because it actually has the decency of having good guns and an actual boss fight


Must we make a new stereotype? The FHP?

Yeah you aren’t going to do well here Princess Pattycakes.

I suggest you quit while you are behind.


Guys, guys have we found one of his “Boys”?

For a quasi serious response to the only person to like the OPs idiotic rant.

We dont take the OP seriously because:

A) His history makes him not worth attemtping to have a real conversation with

B) “I dont like X, Y, Z RP so I’ve determined its bad and people need to be educated” is an opinion that does not deserve to be discussed seriously


Got up for a midnight snack and I’m pleasantly surprised. An unbiased take on my post, what a welcomed change. They’re a vocal minority that get very emotional over text. Hard to have a conversation amidst them chimping out., and I hope that none of them venture into the online communities of other games. Wouldn’t last an hour.

This is the problem. Players are given the wrong idea about roleplay because of GAMEPLAY and awful storytelling. Classic can fix this, simply said.

You’ve bumped my post about 9 times and gotten me countless views. I suggest you find something better do to because you’re only helping my message spread. But he won’t do that because like the other 3 he’s obsessed.