Blizzard, remove Calligraphy

I don’t know how this got past development, but this quest is nearly impossible to do. It requires you to be extremely precise and the trace vanishes within 3 seconds. Are there any plans to fix or remove this quest?

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This is why we should still be teaching people cursive.


There has to be some kind of glitch with the forums. There’s no way this many people from other servers all decided that the folks of Wyrmrest Accord specifically needed to hear their opinion on the game.


Someone spilled the beans that Blizzard plays on this server.

I wonder if it’s because we’re a fairly active forum. If you pop into some other realm forums they haven’t seen posts in weeks, if not months.

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Obligitory you dont even go to this school post


Seems like you gotta get in line to make that comment

I can run in a better circle than you can.

Triangles? Oh, no problem.

You got a square? Boom, done.


There are already a lot of complaints on this one. What I’ve seen is just keep doing it over and over, and around time x9 or so, it just decides to work even though you’re nowhere close to the lines.

Turtle guy gets so fed up with you failing it like a sobriety test that he just gives you a C+ begs you not to teach the kids again


The solution I found to this is to jump on a mount before doing the quest, and as soon as you are able, charge forwards and follow the glowing line as closely as you are able.

The Calligraphy Quests are bugged, but mounting up and then doing the quest allows you to do it not only within the absurdly short time-frame, but also allows you to more closely follow the glowing line for a more accurate ‘trace’ of the image.


Am I alone in never having a problem with them?


Yeah, forgot to mention I did this mounted.

Yeah I don’t really have issues. Usually I just look at things on the ground where the line passes. Like a rock right at the angle where I need to turn. It takes me 2 or 3 times sometimes but it’s usually a minute long project.

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Years of circling around Shattrath, Dalaran, Stormwind, Shrine, Garrison, Dalaran again, and Boralus prepared me for these world quests…


Hop on your mount, zoom out, tilt the camera down so you’re looking onto the ground, go to town.


But the Calligraphy is right under you, if you go to town you’re just gonna fail it

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Exactly this.


the circle kinda gets me but i keep a mental note of where the line intersects with ground features like rocks and grass and stuff

get it like 90% of the time since they nerfed the tracing requirement not too long after release

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I bet my circle looks cooler than your circle.

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